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Growing No-Dig Potatoes For Your Garden
Growing No-Dig Potatoes For Your Garden
Benefits of Growing potatoes in a no-dig manner It won't take as much effort because you won’t have to dig trenches. The no-dig method of planting potatoes is easy and…
How to Grow & Care for Typha Minima
Bog Garden
How to Grow & Care for Typha Minima
Typha minima is also known as the dwarf cattail or miniature cattail in cultivation. This attractive plant is a rare species that only grows in temperate Europe and Asia. It's…
How to Grow Britzensis (Coral Bark Willow)
How to Grow Britzensis (Coral Bark Willow)
Salix alba subsp. Vitellina Britzensis are popular for their winter bark. Its orange-scarlet stems are the ones that make gardeners want to grow it. The plant is easy to grow…
How to Grow Cornus Alba for Bog Gardens
Bog Garden
How to Grow Cornus Alba for Bog Gardens
There are many varieties of Cornus Alba (commonly called Dogwood), but you can categorize them as either those grown for winter interests. Their coloured bark adds winter interest to any…
How to Care For Your Indoor Plants
Indoor Plant
How to Care For Your Indoor Plants
There’s no doubt about it, houseplants are growing in popularity and the trend for botanical interiors looks set to stay. Fitted furniture specialists Hammonds found that Google searches for ‘biophilic…
Your Go-to Guide To Spring Pruning
Your Go-to Guide To Spring Pruning
Spring preparation includes everything, from giving your lawn some TLC to clearing out dead plant debris to the important task of spring pruning. Although it may seem counterproductive to cut…
12 Victory Garden Crops You Can Grow
12 Victory Garden Crops You Can Grow
Growing food starts with growing what your family likes to eat. It's not a good idea to plant crops that no one in the household wants to eat. Begin by…
How to Grow an Heirloom Vegetable Garden
How to Grow an Heirloom Vegetable Garden
Heirloom vegetables refer to plants that have been grown, selected, and replanted over many years. They can be traced back to a specific time or place in the past. Although…
Grow Spices At Home - Easy Ways How To
Grow Spices At Home – Easy Ways How To
If you've always wanted to grow spices at home, it's time to ditch the store-bought flakes and start growing your own. Growing spices is easy, and can be done year-round…
End-Of-Season Gardening Tips & Tasks
End-Of-Season Gardening Tips & Tasks
No matter what season it is, you can always do something in the garden. These end-of-season gardening tips and tricks will help you with that. Even in the winter, when…
Container Spinach Growing In Uk
Container Spinach Growing in UK
Spinach is a great vegetable to grow all year. It can also be grown when other green vegetables are difficult. It likes cool and moist climates. Spinach can also be…
Organic Asparagus Plants
Organic Asparagus Plants
Organic asparagus is difficult to find. However, it is possible to grow your own organic asparagus plants. It doesn't require much maintenance once the bed has been established and it…
Organic Gardening Basics
Organic Gardening
Organic Gardening Basics
In this Organic gardening basics, we will show you how to cultivate plants without synthetic pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Instead, organic matter such as compost, grass clippings, and other types…
How to Take Care of Your Allotment
How to Take Care of Your Allotment
An allotment is an area of land that is leased - usually from a local council - and used to grow plants, fruit and vegetables. Some allotments also allow you…
How To Reduce Soil pH in Potted Plants
How To Lower Soil pH in Potted Plants
Knowing how to lower the soil pH of potted plants is essential. It is because many household plants require acidified soil with a low pH to thrive and bloom independently.…
Sweet Thai Growing in Your Garden
Basil, Garden, Herbs
Sweet Thai Growing in Your Garden
Sweet Thai growing is prevalent in Southeast Asia for its decorative qualities and dish flavoring. It is commonly known as Thai basil and is a mint-family plant with a pleasant…
How to Stay Safe When Gardening This Summer
How to Stay Safe When Gardening This Summer
The summer months are the perfect time to re-acquaint yourself with your garden, as the sunny and bright weather makes working outside a little more appealing. But looking after your…
How to Give Your Garden a Makeover
How to Give Your Garden a Makeover
When those long, warm summer days hit, you’ll want to spend as much time in the garden as possible. Naturally, summer’s the perfect time to enjoy your garden with family…
Use of Epsom Salt Plants
Use of Epsom Salt in Organic Gardening
The use of Epsom salt in organic gardening is a crucial and great addition for those who are interested in green living. This is a gentle, affordable, and environmentally friendly…
Five Ways to Cook and Serve Collards
Five Ways to Serve and Cook Collards
There are many ways you can serve and cook collards, especially when they are fresh. Freshly chopped or shredded collards add some spice to salads. You can also steam, boil,…
When to Plant Collard Greens
Garden, Vegetables
When to Plant Collard Greens
Collards can be grown in cool, dry conditions. It can be grown from early spring through mid- to late fall. Plant collard seeds in your garden three to four weeks…
Collards Seed Starting Useful Tips
Garden, Vegetables
Collards Seed Starting Useful Tips
Collards are a cool-season crop. Collards can tolerate frost up to 25°F (-4°C) in temperatures between 65°F and 75°F (18-24°C). For a late spring harvest or early summer harvest, collards…
Growing Peas An In Depth Guide
Growing Peas: An In Depth Guide
The best thing about growing peas is that it's so easy! What's the point of asking? Typically, when you're planting peas in the ground, you know it's time to start…
Pepper Growing: A Detailed Guide
Garden, Pepper, Vegetables
Pepper Growing: A Detailed Guide
Pepper growing in different varieties allows you to have mild, meaty peppers for salads or stir-fries, slightly spicier peppers for fresh salsas, and hot peppers for powerful flavour explosions. While…
Guide to Growing Arugula
A Complete Guide to Growing Arugula
Arugula, also known as garden rocket, rocket, and roquette, is a dense, low-growing, thick plant with long, straight, bright green leaves. This plant is a cool-weather, leafy crop. The leaves…
Guide to Growing Bitter Melon
Garden, Vegetables
Guide to Growing Bitter Melon
The Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines love bitter melon. You can stuff it with shrimp or pork and serve it steamed, pickled, curried, or with soup. Bitter melons have a…
The Difference Between Pansies and Violas
The Difference Between Pansies and Violas
The difference between pansies and violas is not that much. However, not all Violas are Pansies, but all pansies are all Violas. Confusing, right? The two terms are almost interchangeable,…
how to build a vertical garden
How to Build a Vertical Garden
For people who find gardening relaxing and enjoyable but have no space to grow one, a vertical garden is the answer. Gardening indeed is a wonderful and soothing way to…
Best Plants For a Vertical Garden
Best Plants For Vertical Gardens
What are the best plants for vertical gardens, you may ask? Well, read on because we've got you covered. Historically, vertical gardening is a practice that has been around for…
Biennials For Pollinators
Biennials For Pollinators: Sown and Grown
Autumn is the best time of the year to sow and cultivate biennials for pollinators and food. Autumn is nature's best planting season. And, autumn is also the best time…
self-pollinating plants
Self-Pollinating Plants: What are they?
Self-pollinating plants are plants that don't require pollinators for fertilization. These plants produce their own pollen, which is carried by the anthers. This form of pollination decreases genetic diversity. Many…
Tips for Growing Cucamelons
blog, Garden, Vegetables
Tips for Growing Cucamelons
Cucamelons are a unique way to spice up your summer salads. They are South American natives that look and taste like mini melons but have a refreshing combination of lime…