Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Real Men Sow
A bog garden is a garden that has a very wet or boggy area. For dramatic green architecture, bog garden plants like towering gunneras and then cover with purple loosestrife. It also adds elegance to your garden with snowy-white zantedeschia blooms that will continue flowering throughout the summer.
Don’t worry if your garden isn’t suitable for a specific bog garden plant’s growing needs. To retain drainage, you can create wet areas by digging up moist soil and placing a plastic liner under it with holes. However, you can create simple raised borders using timber or stone if the area is too moist.
10 Bog Garden Plants You Can Try
There are many easy-to-grow bog garden plants that can be used in your landscape. So here are ten bog garden plants that can go either way – from cute to attractive, but with that distinct muddy look.
Gunnera manicata
At the back of a boggy area, the huge, thick architectural leaves are a striking feature. To protect the crown, fold the fallen leaves over it in the autumn. Gunnera can be grown in moist, rich soil with humus in partial to full shade in a protected spot. The plant’s fat growth buds are susceptible to frost damage. In autumn, pile dead stems and leaves over the plants for winter protection.
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Gunneras are herbaceous perennials, therefore, the stunning foliage will fade at the end of summer. To protect the new buds from frost damage, you can use the leaves that have fallen to the crown to cover the plant in autumn.
Large, serrated leaves are characteristic of Ligularia. They have a mahogany underside. A boggy border can be enhanced with the dramatic yellow spikes of flowering plants.
Plant ligularia either in the spring or fall. Your newly planted specimens will be provided with warmth and light during the growing season by being planted in spring. Planting in autumn will help your plant establish strong roots prior to next year’s growth season. To retain moisture and protect your roots from frost, cover the soil with mulch in both cases.
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Ligularia can tolerate many soil types, but prefers neutral soil pH. Water deeply at least once a week to keep the soil moist. To thrive, this plant requires a lot of moist and saturated soil. You might consider planting ligularia into a water garden. It will thrive in moist soil and grow quickly.
Common garden pests are the main problem for ligularia. The plant’s leaves can be damaged by slugs or snails. Be aware of these pests and get rid of them. Sun damage is another major concern for ligularia. The large leaves will wilt if they are exposed to the full sun. Place your ligularia where there is full shade
Iris pseudacorus ‘Variegata’
Iris pseudacorus Variegata’ has slender, upright leaves that look like swords. These leaves are marked with creamy-white stripes. Bright yellow flowers bloom in May. Although it is less vigorous than uncultivated species, you should still divide it in spring.
It is important to consider the natural habitats where Yellow flag iris thrives before you plant it. The yellow iris thrives in moist, boggy substrates with an acidic soil pH. A medium rich in humus is best for producing beautiful results.
You can make your Yellow flag iris grow more efficiently by keeping it in a container. However, it will also dry out a bit. This will stop it from spreading as quickly as before and will give you more time to do other things in the future.
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The plant can take as much water as you want without being soggy. The Yellow flag iris will flower more when it is planted in moist soil.
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Zantedeschia aethiopica is a sophisticated option for a boggy border. The arrow-shaped, glossy-green leaves are complemented by a large number of white flowers with prominent yellow spadices. They are Semi-evergreen. However, if the leaves fall, cut them back in winter.
Zantedeschia cultivation can be grown outdoors in full sunlight or part shade in moist soil. It can also grow in containers in potting compost. Use aquatic compost and a 30 cm (1ft) deep basket for planting.
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Calla Lilies are generally fond of moisture so adjust your watering schedule to suit the weather and environment. These ornamentals can withstand droughts. Calla Lilies can be damaged by droughts and scorching summers. Its soil should be evenly moist, but not soggy.
Rodgersia pinnata
Rodgersia Pinnata is a must-have for sites with poor drainage. It produces pink-white, fluffy flowers and huge, horse-chestnut-like leaves. For fingerleaf Rodgersia, choose a moist soil rich in compost and semi-shade. The ideal locations are around a fountain or in a forest rainforest garden. You should leave plenty of space for the plant’s growth and spread.
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Rodgersia plants will thrive if you have the right site. Once the plant is installed, water it regularly until it becomes established. After that, water the plant when it is dry or hot.
As needed, trim dead stems and leaves. When the flower spike is full, remove it. Rodgersias will go dormant in winter so make sure to remove any spent leaves in order to make way for new growth in spring. For autumn interest, you can leave the flowers in their place to make reddish seed heads.
Lythrum Salicaria
This is a strong, sturdy perennial that produces long-lasting flowers and upright stems. If you want to attract bees and birds to your garden, plant purple loosestrife.
Plant Lythrum salicaria in moist, sandy soil around a pond’s edge. The plants don’t require staking, but you should deadhead the blooms to keep them tidy. Also, divide the clumps every three-five years to prevent congestion. Lythrum salicaria can be grown with other moisture-loving plants like inula.
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Be aware that purple loosestrife can be invasive in certain countries. It is important to keep it from spreading beyond the area you have planted. Before planting, consult your local plant authorities. You should also be aware that “wildflower seed mixtures” sold at flower shops and home depots may contain purple loosestrife.
Astilbe chinensis
Astilbe, a shorter plant that can be underplanted around gunnera and other larger plants is a great choice. They add great impact to borders with their stricken leaves and fluffy plumes filled with purple or pink flowers.
To thrive, Astilbes must be able to grow in moist soil in a sunny or partially shaded area. They do not like dry soils. However, they can tolerate more sunlight as long as the soil isn’t dried out. So make sure to plant good plants for a waterside or bog garden.
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Astilbes can be cared for easily if they are grown in the right conditions. They don’t require deadheading. You can also simply cut the plants back after they have finished flowering, and divide them every three to four years.
Cornus alba
Cornus alba’s bright red stems are a reliable source for winter color after the lush greenery of the warmer months has died. To encourage the growth and development of new vibrant stems, remove dull stems from spring.
Before planting, make sure to improve the soil. You may also add some organic matter that is well-rotted. Use a tree stake to support trees in their early years. To protect the trunk from rabbits, wrap the trunk in a tree guard.
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The only pruning for cornus trees is the removal of lower branches in order to create a clean trunk. Cornus are usually trouble-free. Cornus that are grown for their winter stems have a dismal color. This is likely because they need lots of winter sunlight to grow bright stems. If you plant too many evergreens that block sunlight, the plants can become drab. To encourage new growth, it is important to remove all stems in March. The new stems offer the best color.
Salix vitellina ‘Britzensis’
Salix vitellina “Britzensis” is another winter interest plant. Its golden-yellow stems are a great addition to the garden. To encourage new growth in spring, prune back vigorously. This will ensure the best winter color.
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This willow needs to be watered frequently. The more sun you have, the more often you need to water it. Pruning is not an essential part of coral bark willow care. The shrubs can also be left to grow and become trees within a few years. They can reach heights of 8 feet (2m.) and 40 feet (12m.) in a year.
The red stem effect that coral bark willow’s new shoots produce is perhaps the most striking feature. The plant is often grown as a multi-stemmed shrub. However, you can reduce the height of the branches to one-inch (2.5 cm) each winter from the soil.
Typha Minima
This small reed mace is characterized by its fine foliage and classic bulrush-type blooms. T. minima is smaller than its bigger relative Typha gracilis and won’t overtake wet borders like Typha gracilis.
Plant Typha in moist, boggy soil that is loam, clay or chalky and has a pH balance of acidic, neutral, or alkaline. You may also plant them in water at a depth of 40cm (16in). The plant prefers full sun, but will tolerate partial shade.
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Typha are a vigorous grower and can reproduce quickly if they are not controlled. It can be planted in containers to prevent its roots from spreading and make sure it doesn’t dominate your pond. When the new growth begins, remove any dead or damaged foliage.
All these plants are pretty in stature and are perfect for small gardens. No matter if you have a bog garden or border area, this is a diverse range of plants that will suit most landscape needs.