Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Real Men Sow
Jerusalem artichokes are ready to be harvested after they have grown enough to be able to be eaten after 130 days. After several exposures to frost, sunchokes, also known as Jerusalem artichokes, can be left in their ground. They taste better than the ones that have been lifted earlier.
When to Harvest Jerusalem Artichokes
Jerusalem artichoke tubers are available for harvest from the late summer up to 13 days after their planting. If the ground freezes, you can lift the whole crop. You can leave the tubers intact if winter temperatures are mild and lift them as needed.
You should remove tubers from your garden before it warms up. They can spread, produce new shoots, and become difficult to control.
When the first frost is here, sunchoke tops begin to fall. Cut down the stems and leafy tops before harvesting. Sunchoke plants do not die when the tubers mature like potato vines. They will survive until the freezing point.
How to Harvest the Artichokes
Use a spading fork to loosen the soil and lift the tubers. Start by loosening the soil around the stems for 24 inches (61 cm). When the soil is dry, harvest. Sunchoke tubers are very similar to small, brown, knobby potatoes. You will need to remove the tubers from the roots and soil.
When harvesting Jerusalem artichokes, take gentle care. Jerusalem artichokes’ skins are thin and easy to cut or bruise. Tubers that are cut or bruised will not last long in storage. You shouldn’t lift more than you can carry at once. Tubers are susceptible to rapid moisture loss. You should immediately store tubers in cold storage. The crowns should be removed at harvest. Keep the tubers in storage for three to four hours.
How to Store Jerusalem Artichokes
The best temperature for Jerusalem artichoke tubers is 32°F or 34°F. They can be placed in plastic bags or in a moist sand container in the basement or root cellar. You can store tubers for up to five years at 32°F and high humidity.
You can keep sunchokes in a bag with perforations up to 10 days in the refrigerator. Jerusalem artichoke tubers may not be as stable as potatoes. Avoid storing tubers in areas that are likely to dry out and shrivel. You can save a few tubers for next season’s planting.