Gardening Care for Plants In June

Last Updated on April 8, 2024 by Real Men Sow

Gardening in June is a great way to spend the longest day of the year! The garden is flourishing in the warm heat. This month, the first tender potatoes from the garden will begin to sprout, and many other crops will also begin to thrive. Decide on what summer or fall veggie seeds to plant now and what June flower seeds to plant later in the year!

Growing flowering Plants in June


In their flowering places, sow Peruvian lilies, alstroemeria, achillea, and Canterbury bells, Arabis coreopsis, coreopsis Erigeron (myosotis), Sweet William seeds, forget-me-not (myosotis), or achillea. For autumn planting, sow pansy, primrose, and polyanthus seeds in the greenhouse.

As they emerge from the last month’s direct sowings, thin out annual seedlings that are hardy. To give the plants room to grow, keep the strongest and most robust seedlings.


Before planting your summer bedding plants, you should apply general-purpose organic fertilizer in June. To encourage strong growth and high flower production, fertilize rose plants. Sprinkle granular fertilizer around the roots. You can water the roots gently if it doesn’t rain for the first week or so.

Other Maintenance

You can use any bedding plants you have left to make colorful containers to move around your garden. Debud or deflower your plants before planting to encourage them to have a stronger root system and to establish faster.

To make perennial and bedding plants bushier, remove the tips of the shoots. You will see more flowers if you have more stems. Spring flowering bulbs should be removed from their dead leaves, except for daffodils or tulips. These flowers should be allowed to die naturally. However, remove any seed heads.

Potted lilies will grow quickly during this stage of the year. The developing flowers will require support. If they are not in close proximity to other plants, keep an eye on the lilies within your borders. Plant rooted chrysanthemum cuts and hardened-off summer bedding plants in their final flowering places.

Growing Vegetables in June

Greenhouse Activities

Get started now with vegetable plants that you have bought or grown in a greenhouse. This includes Brussels sprouts, celery, and courgette as well as cucumbers, courgette, courgette, French bean plants, runner, and marrow.

To reduce temperature fluctuations, keep the greenhouse well ventilated throughout the day. Your greenhouse plants will benefit from pollinating insects, predators of aphids, and greenflies by keeping doors and windows wide open.

Vegetable Maintenance

Take off the ends of your tomato plants’ side shoots. Gently pull the shoots from the junction between the main stem and fruit-bearing branches. Start with thin rows of lettuce, carrot, and beetroot seedlings. Remove any weak or small ones. For a longer harvesting time, continue to sow in staggered rows.

To encourage a good fruit set, hand pollinate courgette, pumpkin, and marrow crops. Transfer pollen using a paintbrush, your finger, or a pen. Fine mesh netting can be used to protect carrots and cabbages against caterpillar damage.

When harvesting potatoes, be careful not to damage the tubers. To gently loosen the soil, use a long-handled fork and pick up any tubers you find. To cucumbers, sweet and hot chili peppers, and aubergines, apply a high potash liquid tomato feed.

Container Plants in June

To create beautiful flower displays at the front of your house, plant young patio plants in troughs or containers. Hanging baskets should be taken out of the sheltered area and placed in the final place. If you don’t have the time or desire to plant your own hanging display, order one.

When planting container displays, make sure to leave a little space between the top and bottom of the compost. This will allow water to absorb rather than leak out.

Lawn Care in June

Regularly mow your lawn as the grass grows faster during this time. Reduce the height of established lawns, and water newly seeded grass when it is dry. Apply spring/summer lawn fertilizer to existing lawns if you have not done so already.

General Garden Jobs To Do In June

Shade netting or blinds can be installed in the greenhouse to block some of the sun’s heat and lower the temperature. You can also apply shading paint to the glass. This month, ventilate polytunnels by propping doors open during daylight hours.

Pond Care in June

To ensure that your pond fish are healthy, keep an eye on them. To keep the water clean and oxygenated, keep the pond free of algae. Use a rake, or a cane to remove the blanket weed. It can be left at the edge for up to a day to let wildlife escape. Then, add it to the compost pile. To avoid accidentally introducing pests such as snails to new pond plants, make sure you check them before planting.

Real Men Sow
Real Men Sow

Hello, I’m Pete and I’m currently based in the west of Scotland, in a small place called Rosneath, where I’m exploring my garden adventures. I personally started gardening around 6 years ago and initially, I started out by growing my favorite fruits and berries, such as strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries. Since then I’ve added a lot of vegetables and working closely with my neighbor, it’s been a lot of fun.