How To Grow Marigolds in Pots and Outdoors? Flower Gardening

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Real Men Sow

Marigolds, the cheerful and brightly coloured annuals, are long-standing favorites for their versatility. This beautiful flower comes in many varieties and colours, you can definitely grow marigolds in pots or outdoors, depending on where you want these flowers to bloom.

The main colours are yellow and orange, with some reds and creamy-white. Marigolds attract pollinating insects well. Tagetes, the largest marigold group, are considered to be half-hardy annuals. They are tender and can’t withstand frost. The plant bloom for several months throughout summer and fall and come in a variety of colours, including single colours or contrasting ones such as red, brown, yellow, and orange. They all have finely divided leaves that are strongly aromatic.


Do Marigolds Grow Well In Pots?

Calendula is another popular flower, also known as marigold or pot marigold. Calendula is a traditional cottage garden favorite. It is a hardy perennial, which means it can tolerate some frost. The edible Calendula petals are a beautiful garnish for salads and other dishes.

Growing Marigold in Pots

Tagetes marigolds are available as either seed or pot plants. After all danger of frost has passed they can be planted in pots or beds in well-drained soil in a sunny location. If they are in pots, water during dry spells.

Calendula can be grown directly where the plants are to bloom and requires very little attention.

Do Marigolds like Sun or Shade?

Full sun is required for marigolds. They also need well-drained, fertile soil. Marigolds smaller in size make great borders plants and can be grown in small pots. However, marigolds with larger flowers or taller stems can be grown in large containers or in borders. Large-flowered African marigolds and large-flowered marigolds need to be protected from the elements.

Because their leaves are strong and aromatic, Tagetes marigolds can be used to repel some pests. To deter whitefly in greenhouses, Tagetes marigolds can be planted around cucumber and tomato plants.

How to Plant Marigolds? Follow these steps

Tagetes marigolds will flower in a few weeks after sowing. They can be sown indoors to begin flowering in the spring or outside in late spring for later blooms. To sow seeds indoors in the early stages, warm up, then transfer them into small containers or modular trays and let them grow in a well-lit area. After the frosts have passed you can plant outside. Don’t plant out right away, instead harden the plants off before planting.

You can also sow the seed outside in late spring, directly where the plants will be flowering. Depending on the variety, thin the seedlings by sowing them thinly in moist soil.

Calendula, also known as pot marigold, is best grown from seeds and sow where it will flower. Place the seed in thin rows or patches, about 1 cm deep. Cover with a light layer of soil. Keep seedlings spaced at 10-15 cm apart.

Poor soil can be improved by adding soil conditioner or well-rotted compost to borders. For pots, use a peat-free multipurpose potting compost. After planting, water well.

Taking Care of Marigold

Marigolds can be grown in relatively fertile soil provided they are well watered during dry spells. The dead heads can be removed to encourage more flower production, and the shoots from tall varieties can be purged to encourage bushy growth. From midsummer, water marigolds in pots and apply liquid fertilizer every 7-14 day.

Propagating Marigolds

Tagetes marigolds, which are tender, will die in the first autumn frosts. Save the seeds and propagate them next spring.

Calendula is a self-sowing plant. You can avoid digging the ground, and you will find new pot marigold plants next to the original the year after.

Real Men Sow
Real Men Sow

Hello, I’m Pete and I’m currently based in the west of Scotland, in a small place called Rosneath, where I’m exploring my garden adventures. I personally started gardening around 6 years ago and initially, I started out by growing my favorite fruits and berries, such as strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries. Since then I’ve added a lot of vegetables and working closely with my neighbor, it’s been a lot of fun.