Allotment Cake Ideas With Recipes Try and Enjoy

Last Updated on April 3, 2024 by Real Men Sow

I haven’t made an Allotment Cake for the weekend in a month. However, I’m not giving up on my allotment cake ideas blog feature after only half a dozen efforts. I started looking at my cakes recipes, but the wife spotted me: “oh, another allotment cake,” she said gently, but with purpose.

Yes, I geddit. The allotment cake ideas are lovely, not only because of their delicious flavour but also because the ingredients are found in your garden. Feels like the hard work finally pays off in lovely afternoon cake. So here are the best allotment cake recipes that I can recommend to all of you:

Best Allotment Cake Ideas that You Must Try at Home

Fortunately, summer’s here, and I’m suddenly harvesting lots of strawberries. My gooseberries are nearly soft enough to pick, and I spotted the first ripening blueberry today. For next weekend’s Allotment Cakes reignition, I’ve got a few tasty choices.

However, before I move on from rhubarb cakes, I thought I’d briefly round up my findings.

Most Time Efficient Cake – Lemon and Thyme Cake

The recipe is quick and simple, so would be great to make if time was tight and you wanted something a little wow factor, but more than anything, this cake is fun. It’d be a really good choice to make with children. Tossing the rhubarb chunks straight into the mix is carefree, and all kids love a crumbly topping, right (well, so do most adults for that matter!)?

Most Popular Allotment CakeHerb Infused Orange Cake

I had lots of people from both the real and virtual worlds telling me this cake hit the spot. The recipe wasn’t online, so I offered to send details to anyone who wanted them, and plenty did. I even sent an email over to America, but now you can also find the recipe on my blog.

My family really enjoyed the cake too, especially as a dessert. This is more of an eat-with-a-spoon kind of cake and tastes great with crème fraiche on the side.

Best Allotment Sponge CakeSponge Cake Recipe with Damson Jam Filling

I love this cake as there is so much easiness in the recipe. My wife reckons this is the best cake she has ever tasted and asks me to bake it instead of buying an Easter egg. We are pretty happy with the damson jam filling that makes the cake quite moist and rich.

The cake also made it over to Great Dixter, where the lovely Catherine tried the recipe for the attendees of a study day. ‘ What a brilliant recipe! Needless to say, it vanished pretty quickly,” she said in the comments section.

What Are Your Favorite Allotment Cakes?

By the way, I’ve been on a diet. My lovely best friends Jamie and Lydia are getting married in July, and I’m the best man. They’ve been exceptionally generous and bought me a suit to keep after the wedding. However, I’ve not been measured for it. No, the size of the suit is the size I will have to be on the day.

The good news is that after a few weeks of no cake and more bike riding, I’m in the suit. The other good news is that I can start making cakes again.


Real Men Sow
Real Men Sow

Hello, I’m Pete and I’m currently based in the west of Scotland, in a small place called Rosneath, where I’m exploring my garden adventures. I personally started gardening around 6 years ago and initially, I started out by growing my favorite fruits and berries, such as strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries. Since then I’ve added a lot of vegetables and working closely with my neighbor, it’s been a lot of fun.

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