Last Updated on April 9, 2024 by Real Men Sow
Pink is a popular flower color so there are many options when it comes to choosing pink-flowered plants for your ornamental garden. There are many pink shades to choose from.
These range from pale pink-blushed flowers to more intense, striking pinks. There are many different shapes and styles of flowers available. So if you’re looking to make your garden border less boring, you can grow a wide variety of flowers that have the same color, but look and smell very different.
Combine pink flowers with blue, purple, and white flowers to create a cool, herbaceous border. Combining dark pinks and dark blues with orange flowers will create something brighter.
List Of Pink Flower Plants
Abelias are shrubs that are grown for their fragrant flowers. The Abelia floribunda has long, rich, pink tubular flowers. Abelia x grandiflora’s flowers are sweetly scented and pale pink. (H x S: 3m x 4m)
Angel’s fishing rod
They bear pink, delicate flowers on delicate stems. For dramatic effect, combine with sisyrinchium, perovskia and oxeye daisies. (H x S: 1m x 50cm)
Bleeding heart
Lamprocapnos, formerly Dicentra, is a stunning Chinese plant that bears arching stems of pinkish-red heart-shaped flowers. It blooms from late spring through early summer. (H x S: 60cm x 45cm)
Pink Flower Cannas
They come in many colors including white, pink, orange and red. The cannas’ large, exotic flowers and leaves make them ideal for jungle-style borders. (H x S: 2m x 1m)
Camellias are available in many colors, including pink. They flower as early as January and have beautiful pink flowers against dark, glossy leaves. (H x S: 2.5m x 2.5m)
There are many pink-flowered varieties of clematis, including the pictured variety ‘Confetti’. Clematis armandii, for example, is a fast-growing variety that can cover large walls or fences quickly. Some varieties are more compact and can be grown in pots. (H x S: 1.2m x 90cm)
There are many dahlias that you can grow. These range from the dramatic-looking cactus dahlias, to single dahlias such as ‘Magenta Star,’ pictured. Dahlias bloom from late-summer through autumn, adding a touch pink to your border displays towards the end of the season.
Makes a great source of color, nectar, and pollen for insects in late-season when very little else is in bloom. There are three varieties of pink flowers: ‘Magnus, Mira and ‘Southern Belle. (H x S: 85cm x 45cm)
False goatsbeard
You will be rewarded with spectacular plumes of feathery spring flowers by providing them with rich, moist soil. (H x S: 60cm x 45cm)
Gauras are beautiful, deciduous perennials that bear small starry stars. There are a few pink varieties, such as ‘Ruby Ruby,’ (H x S: 60cm x 60cm)
The flowers of Hydrangeas can be found in shades of blue, white or pink. Some varieties, such as the mophead and lacecap, are known for changing color in different soils. The soil pH is what causes the color change. Hydrangeas that grow in acid soil have blue flowers while those that grow in alkaline soil have pink flowers. If you desire pink flowers, make sure to check the soil pH before planting hydrangeas. (H x S: 1.5m x 1.5m)
Japanese anemones
Japanese anemones bloom in autumn and help extend the season of color in your yard. There are many varieties, including dwarf ones, of Japanese anemones that can be found in pink or white flowers. (H x S: 90c x 60cm)
Knautia macedonica
Knautia macedonica, a perennial that bears crimson pincushion-like blooms on slender, branching stems, is very popular. It’s available from July through September. This plant is great for filling in gaps in a sunny border. It also looks good when combined with silver-leaved flowers. (H x S: 80cm x 45cm)
Pink Lilies
Both Asiatic and oriental lilies are available in pink shades, creating a stunning, mid-summer display at the border. If you are looking for fragrant pink lilies then choose Asiatic lilies or oriental lilies. (H x S: 80cm x 30cm)
Small gardens mostly have Magnolias growing, you can grow the Alexandrina and Leonard Messel for icy-pink spring flowers.(H x S: 6m x 6m)
Nerines are a great addition to your garden. They bloom late in the season when other flowering plants go dormant. They should be grown in full sun with well-drained soil. (H x S: 45cm x 10cm)
Mostly grown for its daisy-like flowers that are available all summer. There are many types to choose from. They range in height. For hanging basket and container displays, smaller varieties are more common. (H x S: 1.5m x 1m)
They can be found in many different shades of pink. Penstemons come in many shades of pink. The dark pink flowers of Dark Towers are a striking contrast to the deep purple foliage. (H x S: 75cm x 40cm)
Pink Flower Roses
Pink roses are common in roses and there are many rose varieties to choose from: climbing roses, rambling roses, and compact patio roses. Double roses, such as the ‘Abbie’s Rose’, are great for cutting. Single-flowered varieties, however, are more suitable for pollinators. (H x S: 2m x 4m)
Society Garlic
Tulbaghia violacea is a perennial that forms clumps and has a strong garlic scent. It is not suitable for cutting as the smell comes from the flower stems or crushed leaves. The plant’s beautiful, large heads of lavender pink flowers, held on tall stems, is worth growing, even if it has a garlic smell. (H x S: 55cm x 25cm)