Balcony Garden: What To Know Before You Start?

Last Updated on April 16, 2024 by Real Men Sow

Private outside space is valuable even though it can be hard to know what plants to grow and how to make sure they thrive if you have only a roof terrace or balcony. It can be disappointing to step out on your balcony and see bare walls and a half-dead plant. You don’t have the space to try things that go wrong when space is limited.

What Should You Plant In Balcony Garden

It is important to be confident about the weight of your balcony garden before you begin. It is possible to be quite heavy with terracotta, stone, and wet compost. Lightweight plastic and resin containers are a good option. However, if the balcony is windy or exposed these containers can be easily blown over unless they are securely fastened. You might also consider lightweight composts, which are specifically made for container-growing.

Choose The Right Plants For Your Balcony Garden

You must choose the right plants for your balcony or roof terrace. You don’t have to dream of tall magnolias that reach 10 m. However, there are many plants that can thrive in containers on a balcony. Container plants such as begonias, petunias, and osteospermum are great for brightening up balconies from the late spring through to the end of summer. Succulents are also great houseplants and can be grown in a pot on a balcony. Many vegetables and herbs can also thrive in pots.

Shade Plants For Balcony Gardens

Many balconies are shaded, and your balcony may get only part of the sun if it faces west or east. If it faces north, it might not get any sunlight at all. This is in addition to the shade provided by screens, walls, and overhangs. It’s a great spot for plants. Don’t worry, some plants prefer shade. Parsley, lettuce, rocket, parsley, and salad leaves all thrive in partial shade. This will prevent them from going to seed quickly. Brightening a dark balcony with hostas or heucheras, begonias, and geraniums is possible by ferns, geraniums, geraniums, and heucheras.

Plants For Sunny Balcony Gardens

Pots placed on sunny balconies can bake, especially if there is a screen that creates a greenhouse effect. Choose drought-tolerant and sun-loving plants. For inspiration, look to the Mediterranean. A sunny balcony will be filled with fragrant herbs like rosemary, lavender, and oregano. Meanwhile, pelargoniums and stachys will bring colour and interest to the area.

Plants For Windy Balconies

The wind is another challenge when you are creating a balcony garden. Wind can cause damage to delicate flowers and leaves. If possible, create a windbreak and secure pots and other furniture to the sides. Choose plants that are able to withstand wind, such as plants that grow near the ocean.

Climbing Plants To Cover Your Balcony Walls

You want to make the most out of space when it is limited. You can attach pots and trellis to your balcony walls to make it more suitable for growing plants. Plus, the walls will look better covered with plants. A simple planter can be used for salads or a large living wall can make a statement. You can train climbing plants up a trellis to attach to the wall. Many plants will thrive for two-three years in large containers. Jasminum X stephanense is a good choice for large containers. It can be covered with fragrant flowers throughout the summer.

You can still make the most out of the vertical space if you don’t have anything to attach to your balcony walls. You can grow sweet peas and clematis in large pots. Then, train your plant with a wigwam that is inserted into the pot.

Can You Grow Vegetables in A Balcony Garden

To grow vegetables at home, you don’t necessarily need to have a garden. You don’t need a garden to plant vegetable seeds because with just a few pots placed on your balcony, you can enjoy fresh, delicious vegetables and herbs. You can grow many edible crops in pots. Tomatoes, carrots and potatoes, as well as a variety of herbs, are all possible to grow in these containers. You don’t have to purchase purpose-made pots. Instead, you can use a woven plastic bag or line a wooden crate using an old compost bag. Just make sure there are drainage holes at the bottom.

Real Men Sow
Real Men Sow

Hello, I’m Pete and I’m currently based in the west of Scotland, in a small place called Rosneath, where I’m exploring my garden adventures. I personally started gardening around 6 years ago and initially, I started out by growing my favorite fruits and berries, such as strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries. Since then I’ve added a lot of vegetables and working closely with my neighbor, it’s been a lot of fun.