Irrigation Guide – Guide to Outdoor Plant Watering

Last Updated on April 15, 2024 by Real Men Sow

It can be difficult to figure out how often you should water your plants if you’re a beginner gardener. Although the UK is often thought of as wet, it actually receives less rain than other countries. We also receive the “wrong kind of rain”: heavy winter downpours with prolonged periods of drought. The weather in the UK means that the plants need to adapt to receiving water at different times and in varying quantities. This article will give you an irrigation guide you need about watering your plants in your garden, such as when to water, and how much to water.

The Best Time To Water Plants – Irrigation Guide

Water outdoor plants in the morning before it gets too hot. Water will evaporate from the soil as soon as it heats up. The water won’t be able to reach the roots of the plant if the soil is too hot. It’s also best to water them in the evening. It can also help snails and slugs travel more efficiently. You can have mature plants that the slugs do not like. Just don’t water your hostas at night.

How Often Should You Water Outdoor Plants

Each plant has its own watering needs, but a general rule of thumb is to give them a good soak at their base every few days instead of a light sprinkle every other day. It’s a requirement to water plants in pots and containers daily in warm weather to keep them from drying out. Container plants cannot send roots far to water.

How Much Water To Use

Your plants need enough water to reach the root level. Give them a good sprinkle and then dig the topsoil out to see how far it has traveled. At 2cm depth, the soil will be dry. Give them a good soak at the base, and not just a light sprinkle all over. Hot weather will cause plants to need more water.

Underwatering Signs

Your plants will droop if they aren’t getting enough water. Below is an example of how a plant would look if it was watered. The color of a plant’s leaves can change drastically if it doesn’t get enough water.

Irrigation Guide – 11 Watering Tips for Outdoor Plants

1. Containers will need more water and attention

Containers can restrict the root system of plants, making it more difficult for them to move around and find moisture. Consider adding water-retaining capsules or coir to containers that are suited for moisture-loving plants. If you plan to travel, these will need to be monitored by someone.

2. Water the roots, not the plant’s foliage

Creating a small well around your plant to allow water to drain to the roots. 1 inch of water will travel 6 inches deep.

3. Soak the roots at intervals

It is important for plants to soak their roots at regular intervals, rather than just a few drops every day.

4. Mulch Around Your Plants

Mulch around plants can improve water retention. Miracle-growing Mulch is a great option if you’re looking for mulch to help retain water. It’s fibrous and you can use it in winter to protect the roots from frost.

5. Don’t wet the plant’s leaves too much

It can lead to disease if the leaves are left damp long enough.

6. Check your plants daily

It’s a joy to have my morning latte while strolling through my garden on a beautiful morning. If you want to create a new border, be sure to check for signs of wilting and damage.

7. Olla irrigation system

You can water plants that need a lot of water like tomatoes by placing a clay pot in the soil near the plant. The clay pot will slowly seep into the soil once it is filled up.

8. Drip irrigation system

An automated irrigation system can be a great option if you have plants that are thirsty and spread over large areas. It will automatically drop water in the desired areas. These systems can be programmed to drop water in specific areas and connected to water pumps.

9. Water-retaining granules in pots and containers

To retain water, granules can also be added to container containers. This is useful if you have many hanging baskets. Look for ones that are biodegradable, such as Swell gel.

10. Invest in a rain butt

Rain butts are less expensive than rainwater, and rainwater is better for plants with the right pH levels.

11. Don’t forget your shrubs and trees

Despite their large root systems, they could use some additional help during dry spells.

Being Economical with Water

A rain butt can be a great way of reducing your water consumption. Rainbutts collect rainwater from roofs and channel it down to the butt’s external drain pipes. Installing a water meter in your water butt will save you money.

You can be more efficient by knowing exactly how much water your plants require so you don’t have to water them randomly. Vegetables require more water than perennials. However, annual flowers need to be watered regularly, especially in spring.

It can be a challenge to know when and how to water your plants. There are many factors to consider but it is not that difficult once you know how. Here we looked at an irrigation guide – a few tips for watering your plants efficiently. The goal here is to make the water more thin so that it can penetrate soil and available water retention.

Real Men Sow
Real Men Sow

Hello, I’m Pete and I’m currently based in the west of Scotland, in a small place called Rosneath, where I’m exploring my garden adventures. I personally started gardening around 6 years ago and initially, I started out by growing my favorite fruits and berries, such as strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries. Since then I’ve added a lot of vegetables and working closely with my neighbor, it’s been a lot of fun.