Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Real Men Sow
Rhubarb crown is the single best vegetable to grow. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned gardener, this veg will never let you down. To get the best rhubarb in your garden, it’s important to note down the planting process. This post will tell you what to look for when you are planting the best vegetable seed.
How to Plant a Rhubarb Crown
The planting hole should be a little wider than the rhubarb crown that you have. The growing tip should be 2.5cm below the surface of your soil. Cover the space in the hole where you’ve placed the rhubarb crown firmly. If the weather is unusually dry, water the plant well to help it establish. Lastly, spread compost mulch around your plant, but make sure to not put some directly above the growing tip.
Soil Preference for Growing Rhubarb
Rhubarb loves getting sunlight but can tolerate partial shade if your garden is warm. Keep in mind that Rhubarb can take up the space you’re planning to grow it to for up to 10 years. They have an extensive root system and are best to be left alone.
Well-drained soil is what they prefer, so make sure to make a raised bed if your garden has damp soil. Dig in plenty of organic matter, and keep in mind that this plant does not enjoy being moved, therefore, add plenty of nutrient-rich material that will sustain the rhubarb for a long period.
When to Plant Rhubarb Crown?
The best time to plant rhubarb from crowns (instead of growing them from seed) in late Autumn or Early Winter
Taking Care of Your Rhubarb Crops
At the end of the growing season, your plants should receive a good feed by spreading well-rotted garden compost. Make sure to free your plant from weeds. Its flower heads usually appear in early Spring, but it’s best to remove them to stop the plant from producing seeds. The only issue that is likely to become a problem is Crown Rot. However, that can be avoided when you plant them in well-drained soil.
Harvesting Rhubarb
Don’t harvest any stems in the first year, if you’ve harvested them your plants will weaken. This is because Rhubarb needs a full first year of growth for it to establish a strong root system. Only a few stems can be picked at their 2nd year, preferably 2 per plant, leaving at least 5 strong stems to grow on.
The largest stems are the ones you should harvest, but wait until their leaves have fully opened. Pull the stem gently from its base, apply a slight twisting motion to help. Discard its leaves because they’re poisonous, however, you may add them to your compost heap.
What is Forcing when Growing a Rhubarb Crown
Forcing is a process that can get your earlier and sweeter crops. You’ll have to exclude light and keep the plant in a place where it’s slightly warmer than the temperature outside. It’s best to start forcing in January to get the best results. You’ll have to remove any dead leaves or weeds around the crown to avoid rot.
You may add a layer of straw or shredded newspaper to protect them from frost. The crown should be covered with an inverted dustbin or a large pot. You can use a dark colored bucket so that it will absorb heat from the winter sun better.