Allotment Perennials That Will Keep Your Plot Productive

Last Updated on April 16, 2024 by Real Men Sow

Imagine vegetables that don’t require as much care as allotment perennials shrubs and flowers and no annual planting. They flourish and produce plentiful and nutritious crops all year. Allotment perennials can survive neglect if they are planted in the right climate and site. Plants that have been established for a long time are more resilient to diseases, pests, droughts, and weeds.

Some perennials are so adept at taking care of themselves, they need to be harvested frequently to keep them from becoming weeds. They are easy to cultivate and produce a high yield, which is probably the best reason to grow them.

The Top 12 Vegetable Allotment Perennials


It is important to choose a place that will provide the best growing conditions for this allotment perrenial. Although asparagus plants take three to five years to mature, it is worth the wait. When they begin to produce well, you can harvest asparagus spears for longer than a month each spring. The asparagus spears are straight shoots that have just emerged from the plant. They have scale-like tips. The foliage turns to a light-green, airy fern later in the season. This colour changes to a golden hue in the fall. This perennial is usually planted from roots or crowns in the spring.

Black Salsify

Sometimes referred to as scorzonera hispanica (black salsify), scorzonera root veggies may also be known as Spanish salsify, black vegetable oyster plant, Spanish salsify, and viper’s hair. It is similar to salsify in that it has a long, fleshy taproot, but with white flesh on the interior.

While scorzonera may look similar to salsify in appearance, it is not taxonomically related. The leaves of scorzonera root have a spiny texture but are finer than salsify. The leaves of scorzonera root are wider and more oval-shaped, making them suitable for salad greens. Scorzonera root veggies are more vigorous than salsify. Black salsify bears yellow flowers in its second year. They are 2 to 3 feet tall (61-91cm). stems. Scorzonera can be grown as a perennial, but it is more commonly grown as an annual. It is cultivated in the same way that carrots and parsnips are cultivated.

Cow Leeks 

Allium ursinum is also known as cow leeks. It is a herb that is native to Asia and Europe and is also a wild relative to garlic and onion, all of which are part of the same genus Allium.

Fiddlehead Ferns

Fiddlehead Ferns are a popular choice for spring farmer’s market and restaurant menus. There are many types of ferns that make these fronds, but the most popular is the ostrich fern. This fern is a steady grower with a vase-shaped habit. For their scroll-like heads, the delicately coiled delicate string crosiers (or “fiddleheads”) are named after the newly emerged and tightly coiled delicate strings.

This fern is reproduced by spores and its growing season begins in spring after the threat of frost has passed. They can grow quickly. They also only last a few weeks each season.

Globe Artichoke

Cynara scolymus, also known as globe artichokes, are beautiful allotment perennials that can be grown in large quantities. You can grow them from seeds or young plants. Their large edible flower buds make it easy to prepare delicious food.

Globe artichokes prefer a sunny location in reasonably fertile soil that is free-draining. You can make the most of your space by sowing in a temporary seedbed and then transplanting them to its final location. They will eventually grow into large plants that require wide spacing.

Jerusalem Artichokes

Jerusalem artichokes (Helianthus tuberosus) are also known as sunchokes. They are root vegetables that can be eaten and prepared in the same way as potatoes, but with lower starch content. Jerusalem artichokes, contrary to what they are called, are native to North America. They are easy to grow and can be grown almost anywhere. This vegetable is perfect for beginners!

Although yellow flowers can be produced on long stems, it will yield better results if the flowers are removed and the plant is allowed to develop large tubers. Jerusalem artichoke will mature in 20 weeks if planted in spring, a few weeks before the last frost date.


Rhubarb grows easily and produces a lot of tasty stalks each year. Only the stalks of rhubarb are edible. Rhubarb leaves are toxic and should not be eaten. Instead, compost them.

Although rhubarb can be considered a vegetable, it is one of the first allotment perrenial fruits to appear in the year. Forcing rhubarb late in winter can allow you to harvest delicious rhubarb stalks by March. Rhubarb is versatile and can be used in many ways. It’s best to stew it with some sugar and use it as a topping for porridge or in crumbles. Rhubarb can be used to make cordials or other beverages.

Scarlet Runner Beans

Scarlet runner beans can grow up to 6m in one season in their native environment. Your garden and climate may not produce such giants. However, you can control the growth by pinching the tips of the vines once they reach a height that is comfortable for you. A single stem grows the plant, which spirals around support and bears large, deep-veined, green leaves. Within a few months, clusters of scarlet flowers will appear.

Stinging Nettle

The stinging nettle is a perennial herbaceous perennial. Although it is often considered a weed, it can be grown in small quantities as a garden plant. The soft-green, pointed, serrated leaves that line the stems of three to seven feet high are covered with soft-green, pointed leaves. Fine hairs cover the stems and leaves. Some of these fine hairs can detach and inject a burning, stinging chemical whenever the plant is touched. Although stinging nettle is considered a noxious weed by most gardeners, some grow it intentionally to provide food for several butterfly larvae. The leaves taste similar to spinach and are rich in vitamins A, C, and other nutrients.

Solomon’s Seal

Solomon’s seal ( Polygonatum), is a genus that includes elegant allotment perennials, native to many continents. The small, round flowers in pink or green are beautiful, but it’s the long, lance-shaped, arching stems that make Solomon’s Seal so popular in shade gardens. Birds often enjoy small blackish berries that remain after the flowers have faded. Solomon’s seal spreads slowly and forms a blanket of leaves that turns golden yellow in the autumn. Solomon’s seal plants typically grow to about one-two foot in height, but there’s a huge Solomon’s Seal ( Polygonatum biflorum var. commutatum), that can reach five feet or more and makes quite a statement in the garden.

Welsh Onion

The Welsh onion (also known as Japanese leek, Welsh bunching onion and stone leek) is a non-bulbing onion that bears clumps of spring onions with mild, chive-like flavours. You can add the onions to salads, stir-fried, or sauteed. They can also be used for garnish. Welsh onion is perennial. Simply lift the clumps and harvest what you need. The clumps will grow new clumps that you can harvest in the future.

Wild Cabbage

Is there broccoli that looks similar to cauliflower, but is a perennial? Each head can grow to the size of an average tennis ball, so it’s the perfect amount. You can roast it or serve it with cheese sauce and crunchy breadcrumbs.

Real Men Sow
Real Men Sow

Hello, I’m Pete and I’m currently based in the west of Scotland, in a small place called Rosneath, where I’m exploring my garden adventures. I personally started gardening around 6 years ago and initially, I started out by growing my favorite fruits and berries, such as strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries. Since then I’ve added a lot of vegetables and working closely with my neighbor, it’s been a lot of fun.