Last Updated on February 15, 2022 by Real Men Sow
Alocasia Stingray has an airy stem structure, monochromatic leaves, and stylish appearance that can make any space feel elegant and classy. This is an exceptional houseplant, one-of-a-kind and requires very little care.
The Plant thrives when it is exposed to indirect but bright light and it likes soil that is moist but well-drained. It’s best to maintain high humidity during the growing season and maintain a temperature of 64.4-71.6°F (18-22°C). Fertilize every 2-3 weeks using a high-nitrogen fertilizer.
What Does An Alocasia Stingray Look Like?
The shape of the Alocasia Stingray is very similar to that of a marine creature, the Stingray. It is distinguished by large leaves and a unique stingray shape that points upwards and outwards, showing its ribbed, wrinkled, and mono-colored green surfaces. Alocasia Stingray can reach heights of up to 1.2 meters. If you provide the right environment, it can grow quickly.
Is Alocasia Stingray A Good Houseplant?
Alocasia Stingray is a simple, unique and minimalist houseplant with a beautiful shade of glossy green. It can be placed anywhere, and will add a stylish and classy vibe to any space. The plant has been shown to be a natural filtering system for air molecules. It filters out air pollutants and chemical gasses from your furniture.
There are many other benefits, such as improving mood and bringing a sense of life to your home. It can improve your mental state, which in turn produces subliminal effects that increase happiness and lift the spirits. This plant gives you a sense of positivity and activeness. An Alocasia Stingray houseplant can also produce a positive chemical that links with productivity and mood.
Alocasia Stingray Care Details
We’ll go over everything you need to know about caring for your Alocasia Stingray. Before we get into the details, let’s review the table. It contains all the key facts you need to know.
How to Care for an Alocasia Stingray?
Water Requirements
Alocasia Stingray should be watered regularly in its growing season, which is either spring or summer. It needs less water during winter. You should water it regularly, but only in small quantities. When the soil is dry to the top, add water to the pot then let the water drain out through the holes. This should be done approximately once to twice per week. Doing so ensures that the Alocasia Stingray’s soil stays moist, rather than overwatered. We don’t want soil to become soggy and soaked, which can lead to root rot. It’s important to do this little and often.
Light Requirements
Alocasia Stingray thrives in bright, but indirect light, and that means they should be kept in a south-facing or west-facing window. If you have no choice but to put the plant next to or beside a window that receives direct sunlight, be sure to add a sheer curtain.
To avoid burning the leaves, you can place it at least a few feet from the window. It will not do any harm, but direct sunlight will scorch the leaves.
Alocasia Stingray prefers warm and comfortable conditions, making spring and summer their growing seasons. The ideal temperature ranges from 64.4°F (18°C), to 71.6degF (22.2°C) and should never be kept below 50 degrees F (10°C). Remember to keep your Alocasia Stingray safe from extreme heat or cold. High temperatures cause the leaves to curl and dry. Crisp edges develop when they are exposed to high temperatures. Low temperatures can cause Alocasia leaves yellowing and drooping.
The humidity level in your Alocasia Stingray’s tank should be above average. Keep the plant moistened and placed in a tray of pebbles at least an inch thick so that its bottom doesn’t sink into the water.
The humidity of your Alocasia will be increased by the water that evaporates from the tray. To give it the extra boost it needs, you can place it in the shower. It is also a good way to increase humidity by grouping plants together. Keep the plant out of direct airflow from the radiator or air cooler.
Good soil is the foundation of Alocasia plant care. One part soil, one portion perlite, coarse potting sand and one part peat is the best mix for Alocasia plants to thrive.
This mixture will ensure that your soil is well-drained and aerated. A slightly acidic soil pH 5.5 to 6.5 would be ideal for your Alocasia and the nutrient it needs.
Alocasia Stingray’s active growth season is spring. A little compost can help increase soil fertility. The top inch or so of soil should be removed without touching the roots. After that, you can bury the organic fertilizer.
From the beginning of spring to August, feed your plant once every two weeks. Then, stop feeding your plant for 2 weeks and start again in the spring.
A balanced fertilizer that is water-soluble and suitable for Alocasia Stingrays is the 10-10-10. Use 1/4 teaspoon to 1 gallon of water and always refer to the label for exact instructions.
- Take the plant out of its container and remove all soil from the roots. The roots can also be gently washed with water to ensure that the soil is gone.
- Once you have removed all soil from the roots, you will see the multiple clumps as well as some offsets. It should dry slightly.
- Separate the offsets by gently dividing the rhizome. To cut the tangled roots, use a sterilized scissor.
- Use a good potting mixture to pot the individual offshoots. Let the pot drain well and water it thoroughly.
- Propagate every spring and summer.
How to Repot an Alocasia Stingray?
Alocasia Stingray likes slightly compacted soil, but eventually it will need to have its soil repotted. This is how to tell if your Alocasia Stingray needs to be repotted:
- The visible roots are beginning to show on the soil’s surface.
- The drainage holes beneath the pot are allowing roots to grow.
- Between waterings, your Alocasia Stingray begins to wilt.
- Its growth is slowing down.
- The formation of white salt crystals on the soil’s surface is an indicator of salt buildup due to fertilizers.
Repotting younger Alocasia Stingrays should be done every six months. Older Alocasia Stingrays that have a slower growth rate only need to be repotted every few years. It is best to repot it in spring and autumn, as Alocasia Stingrays thrive in warm environments.
These are the steps to properly repot your Alocasia Stingray:
- Alocasia Stingrays should be repotted in a 2 inch larger pot than their previous one. A 36 inch pot is the best choice for larger Alocasia Stingrays. This will give them enough room to grow and enough soil volume to keep their roots moist.
- To make it easier to work with during repotting, water the Alocasia Stingray for at least an hour before you start to repot.
- Place a coffee filter on the drainage hole of your new pot, then fill the bottom with potting soil.
- Remove the Alocasia Stingray carefully from its original pot.
- Take a look at the roots and then untangle them. Use a sharp knife to cut the roots then rub alcohol to clean it. Keep in mind that you’ll need a clean blade that can be used to cut the roots.
- Place the Alocasia Stingray in the same pot as the previous one.
- Once the plant has been set, you can add soil to the bottom of the root ball. Make sure the plant is correctly erected by filling in any gaps with the potting mixture.
- Let the pot drain and water it well. Return it to its original location.
Note: Plastic pots are preferred over unglazed clay or ceramic pots because they absorb moisture from the soil. You should also ensure that there are enough drainage holes to allow excess water to drain through.
Pruning and Trimming Alocasia Stringray
To make your Alocasia Stingray flourish and increase its strength, pruning and trimming is important. When trimming or pruning your Alocasia, follow the steps below:
- A serrated knife is best and a hand pruner should be used. When handling the plant, protect your hands with gloves. Avoid touching your eyes or mouth as the plant can cause nausea, diarrhea, and even delirium.
- For signs of damage, observe your Alocasia plants. Leaves and stems can turn yellow in cold weather.
- Remove the fleshy stem from the base of any yellowed or aged leaves.
- Make a U-shaped cut at the petiole of yellowed leaves to allow for new growth.
- If you find a tiny bit of damage or discoloration on the edges of the leaf, you can trim it off with the rest. Follow the natural shape of your leaves.
Common Alocasia Stingray Problems and How to Fix Them
Alocasia Stingray doesn’t have pests as a regular occurrence, but it’s not immune to them. The common inhabitants of the plant are spider mites, mealybugs, and other insects. To check for foreign residents, observe both the leaf’s sides and its midrib.
Spider mites are always looking for chlorophyll, and are transparent creatures that are difficult to see with your naked eye. Mealybugs, on the other hand, are white pests which can be visible after a while. If it is not dealt with quickly, it can cause severe damage to the plant.
How to Fix:
Every plant parent faces a major challenge in eliminating pests. Here are some ways to solve this problem:
- To prevent spreading the pests, isolate your Alocasia Stingray plants from other plants.
- Use soapy water or dish soap to clean the stem and leaves. Then use diluted neem oil to rub the surface and then spray with clean water. A clean cloth should be used to wipe off the leaves.
- After a few minutes, mist the plant with water because It is important to humidify the environment around spider mites from time to time as they love dry conditions.
All of these should be done on both the stem and leaves. The favorite spot for bugs to rest is the petioles so be sure to check it.
Alocasia Stingray can be susceptible to botrytis, leaf spot disease, and root or Rhizome rot. They can cause severe damage to the plants so it is crucial to treat them. The plant could die if it isn’t treated.
Leaf Spot Disease
This occurs when the leaves develop brown, orange or yellow spots and then spread slowly to other areas. It happens if the plant has poor air circulation due to high temperatures and high humidity. It can also be caused by root rot and overwatering.
How to Fix:
- Find the most severely affected leaves and remove them along with any fallen leaves from the soil surface.
- Before applying a fungicide, use a hose to gently wash the plant.
- A fungicide containing chlorothalonil is the best way to treat this disease. It can be used to treat the disease and prevent it from returning in the future. For more information, refer to the label.
- To allow air to flow freely through the plant, wash it regularly.
Botrytis attacks both leaves and flowers. This is evident when the flowers develop small black or orange spots. You will notice small yellow spots on the leaves or long streak wounds.
You should also inspect the soil beneath and look out for moldy debris. This is usually caused by excessive moisture in the foliage and flowers of your Alocasia Stingray. Low circulation, dark places, and high humidity are all risk factors for the disease.
How to Fix:
- Sterilize your scissor, then immediately and gently cut infected Alocasia Stingray leaves and flowers.
- Below, look for any fallen material. You must immediately remove it as they can spread to your Alocasia Stingrays and other nearby plants.
- To gently clean the leaves and flowers of your plant, use a hose.
- Use a fungicide to spray the leaves.
- For a week, keep your Alocasia Stingray isolated in a protected area. You should ensure that the area is well lit, away from any other plants, and out of direct sunlight.
- You can bring the plant back to your garden once the symptoms have subsided for three weeks.
Root or Rhizome Rot
Overwatering is the most common cause of root rot. Soggy soil occurs when water is left in soil for longer than it should. It’s caused by lack of light, aeration or drainage holes.
The soil may also be contaminated by fungi. Fungi are usually found in soil and wait for the right conditions to grow and multiply. They can suddenly appear when the soil is constantly damp and attack roots, causing them to turn brown.
How to Fix:
- Take the plant out of the soil and gently wash it with water.
- Sharpen a scissor by sterilizing it after use. To prevent spreading the disease, your hands must be clean. Gently remove all affected areas.
- You should throw away any soil that has been used in the past as it is already infected.
- Use a bleach solution to wash the plants. To get rid of the fungus, dip the healthy roots in a fungicide solution.
- After treating root rot or the rhizome, you can repot the Alocasia Stingray with a sterilized, clean potting mix. Make sure you use aerated soil, and test its drainage.
- Wait for the roots to grow back before you feed it to prevent stressing the roots. Your Alocasia Stingray should be able to recover from root or rhizome diseases.
Alocasia Stingray Drooping
Over or under watering, lack of light, temperature stress or exposure to drafts could cause your alocasia-stingray to droop. You don’t have to be worried about it because there are easy ways to treat and prevent it.
Root rot is caused by overwatering, and you’ll detect it when the roots lose their ability to absorb nutrients and water. The leaves of your Alocasia Stingray will droop if they are unable to absorb water or nutrients. The symptoms include soggy soil, leaf yellowing and wet brown spots.
How to Fix:
- Make sure your pot has adequate drainage holes.
- You should check that the potting soil/mix has sufficient drainage capacity. You might want to consider other potting mixtures if the water remains on the soil’s surface for too long.
The sign of underwatering is when your Alocasia Stingray starts to show brown crispy leaves a few days after it has been watered.
How to Fix:
- When the topsoil feels dry, or the soil is less than a half inch above it, water.
- Misting leaves between watering for humidity can help to prevent dry and crispy leaves.
Lack of light
Alocasia Stingray prefers bright, but not direct sunlight. If the plant is neglected or not given enough light, it can cause its leaves to droop. They also receive energy from photosynthesis when they are exposed to light.
If there is no light, the plant stops getting the energy it needs to produce its own food then the plant eventually becomes starved.
How to Fix:
- Move your Alocasia Stingray into an area that receives bright, indirect sunlight or is well-lit.
- To compensate for the absence of natural light, you might consider using an artificial light source.
Alocasia Stingray Leaves Turning Yellow
The cause of this can be either excessive watering, underwatering, and nutrient deficiencies. Overwatering the soil can make it soggy, causing roots to rot. This can lead to your Alocasia Stingray’s foliage turning yellow and discoloring.
It can also be caused due to underwatering. It can be noticed when the leaves are yellowed, stunted or wilted due to persistent droughts or direct sunlight. The leaves can also show nutrient deficiencies, mainly by their appearance being chlorotic. Low levels of nutrients like iron, nitrogen, manganese and others can lead to a variety of conditions that can be fatal.
How to Fix:
Once you have figured out why yellow leaves are present in your Alocasia Stingray, You can now help them slowly regain their mono-colored, healthy leaves. Also, consider repotting the fish if it is from excessive watering.
Keep the drainage holes and aeration in mind as well as the soil’s capacity for drainage. If it is from underwatering, you might want to keep an eye on your Alocasia Stingray. Water whenever the top half inch feels dry.
Alocasia Stingray Brown Spots on Leaves
The brown spots on your Alocasia Singray’s underside and the pale brown spots on its top are known as rust. Neglecting to treat the problem can lead to a worsening of symptoms that could eventually become a fungal disease. This could cause entire leaves to turn brown and fall apart.
How to Fix:
- Take out any leaves with brown spots.
- To stop this problem from spreading, use a fungicide.
- Avoid overwatering, and water your plant only in the morning to ensure that it gets enough sun and drying time. This will reduce the risk of root rot and water-soaked soil.
Alocasia Stingray Dying
Dropping leaves and looking almost dead are signs that your Alocasia Stingray is dormant. There are ways to bring it back to life so it is a healthy, happy plant.
How to Fix:
- Eliminate pests.
- Get rid of your Alocasia Stingray.
- Just the right amount of water.
- Keep humidity.
- Make sure it has adequate lighting.
Alocasia Stingray Black Stem
Overwatering can cause stem rot which makes the stem mushy and unhealthy by turning it to black.
How to Fix:
You can assess the extent of the damage by inspecting the roots. The plant may be dead if it is too mushy or smelly. Repotting can be done if you have healthy, white roots that are firm and strong.
- Take the plant out of the pot, and be careful when handling the plant’s base. Rotten parts are often weak and easy to disentangle.
- Running water is best to gently wash the roots.
- A sterilized scissors can help trim the mushy and brown roots. The healthy roots should be left intact.
- Use fresh potting mixture to plant in a new container.
Repotting is similar to the other problems mentioned above but you need to take into account drainage holes and soil drainage capacity.
Toxicity: Is Your Alocasia Stingray Safe for Pets?
Is Alocasia Stingray Toxic to Cats?
The plant has toxic substance that can cause illness in any mammal, especially cats. It is high in calcium oxalate which can cause damage to the throat and oral parts of the cat.
Inflammation can also occur when the plant comes in contact with the eye of the cat. There can be swelling of the tongue, eyes or lips, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, excessive drooling, and loss of appetite. If you notice any symptoms, immediately contact your veterinarian. This should be considered a medical emergency.
Is Alocasia Stingray Poisonous to Dogs?
Alocasia Stingray is beautiful, but it can cause serious health problems for your dog if not taken care of immediately. The first sign that your dog will experience after ingesting the plant is the most serious. Dogs will experience difficulty breathing due to swelling of the airway.
Get rid of any plant residue by washing the dog’s face and eyes. After this, take the dog immediately to the veterinarian. The dog might also experience abdominal pain, delirium and diarrhea, difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, drooling and eye pain.