Last Updated on April 5, 2024 by Real Men Sow
Our gardens are becoming more important for birds because of the decline in natural habitats. Your garden must be appealing to birds all year. Bird-friendly gardens offer more than food and shelter that provides protection against predators.
If birds are not visiting your garden after you have put out food, consider making it more appealing. Are there areas for them to hide or get shelter from predators? It may take some time before birds start to visit your garden regularly.
Plus, once you got your birds in your garden, you can also learn about wildlife using a bird box camera.
What to provide to attract birds to your garden
Provide natural food sources
Although feeding birds supplementary food is very helpful, it’s also important to feed them natural food. Seeds and berries are particularly important. Many birds use lawns as a food source, such as song thrushes, blackbirds, and robins.
Provide shelter
Birds require shelter from the cold, especially during winter nights. Trees and shrubs, including evergreen conifers, mature ivy are good options. Some birds, such as wrens and tits, will nest in empty nest boxes to provide warmth.
Provide water
Birds require water to drink and bathe in at all times. Winter is a time when bathing is particularly important. It makes feathers more manageable, keeps them waterproof, insulates them, keeps it safe from predators, and keeps it fresh and clean. Make sure the water doesn’t freeze in winter. If necessary, heat some water from a kettle to defrost it.
Provide supplementary food
It is vital to feed birds in winter. This helps conserve energy and allows them to survive the cold nights. Food shortages can occur at any time so make sure to keep your feeders full all year because birds will depend on them. To attract different species, you can use a variety of foods.
Provide nesting sites
Place nest boxes in a protected area, away from predators. Provide natural nesting sites as well, such a dense native hedge, if possible. This will provide food for the birds. If birds are nesting, don’t prune hedges from March through July.
Protect from cats and other predators
If they feel unsafe, birds won’t come to your home. Birds need to be able check for predators such as cats and sparrowhawks and have somewhere they can retreat quickly. Place feeders near some cover such as a tree or hedge, or a climber-covered fence. Cats can be deterred by placing a prickly shrub under a bird feeder. To stop sparrowhawks and other predators, move your bird feeders occasionally.
Practise good hygiene
To avoid bacteria and fungal growth that could cause death, make sure you clean your bird baths, table and bird feeders often.
Clean your bird feeders
Don’t allow bird food to go missing. If you notice that your feeders are slowing down, it is a good idea to keep the food in small quantities and store the rest in sealed containers. When you increase the food supply, your feeding rates will increase.
Use quality bird food
Good quality bird food is worth the investment. Although it will cost more, it is worth investing in quality bird food from trusted brands. Mixes that are cheaper will have fillers such as wheat or millet, which are popular with pigeons, but most garden birds won’t or can’t eat.