Last Updated on June 12, 2023 by Real Men Sow
It is getting colder now, and there are fewer daylight hours. However, don’t forget to prepare your garden for winter! In this article, we will discuss some of the gardening jobs for November 2022. You can still plant some colourful winter containers and start planning next year’s garden. Don’t forget about feeding your garden birds.
Still, there is some colour in the berries and leaves. Winter-flowering shrubs like Viburnum Bodnantense, winter Honeysuckle, and Mahonia media hybrids will provide a beautiful fragrance for the short days.
Spend some time cleaning up your borders. You’ll be glad you did it when spring arrives. This is a great time to plant shrubs.
Essential Checklist – Gardening Jobs for November 2024
- Clear leaves with a spring tine rake and compost them
- Plant shrubs, evergreens, and conifers
- Protect tender plants from frost with fleece or plant jackets
- Put out bird food
- Prune roses back, ensuring you cut stems at an angle just above the bud point
Your Last Chance To Do This for The Season
Clear Leaves And Compost Them
Leaf mould is worth more than its weight in gold. It’s worth getting leaves and making your own. You can either store the leaves in an open frame of chicken wire or place them in black bin bags. Sprinkle the leaves with Garotta, wet them and tie them.
After letting the bags sit for a few days, use a garden fork to poke through all of them. Then move the bags to a shaded area and let the leaves sit for one year. The leaves should be darkened to a pleasant-smelling mix. This mixture can be used to mulch the soil or as a soil enhancer, which is especially helpful for woodland plants.
Plant Shrubs, Evergreens And Conifers
Plant evergreens and conifers in the middle of each month. This is when the soil remains moist and retains some heat. Remember to water your plants well even if it is dry. New plants need moisture at the roots, even in winter.
November is a great time to plant new hedges. There will be a lot of bare-rooted hedge plants at garden centres. Before you plant, prepare your garden by digging in organic matter like homemade compost.
Protect Tender Plants From Frost
In case of frost, protect tender plants like Phormiums and tree ferns. It is easier to place large containers in a protected corner and cover them with horticultural fleece, rather than individually covering each one.
Autumn Lawn Care
You still have time to aerate your lawn and feed it before it turns cold.
- Get the leaves up
- Modify the settings of your mower
- Aerate your lawn
- Aftercut All in One Autumn is a great way to get rid of moss and weeds
- Condition and feed
- Repairs to be made
Plant Spring Flowering Bulbs
Tulips can be planted in November. For next year’s early displays, sow sweet peas in a greenhouse at the beginning and end of November.
Feed The Birds
Wild birds are less likely to forage during shorter daylight hours. You can save them the hassle of a lost journey by making sure that your feeders are regularly stocked with high quality bird food. You must be consistent with your feeding habits. Birds will soon come to depend on you once they start eating.