Last Updated on April 15, 2024 by Real Men Sow
Sorrel is a perennial herb that grows in temperate regions. It has a sour, lemony taste and is used to flavour soups, stews, sauces, salads and other dishes. The sorrel plant grows in the winter months and is harvested in the spring when it starts to sprout. The leaves are tender and flavorful with a sourness that sets them apart from other herbs like parsley or chives.
The leaves of the sorrel herb are delicious. They have a distinctive acidic flavor.
- Height – 10-12 inches (25-30 cm).
- Exposure – Full sun, part sunlight, shade
- Soil – Cool, rich
Sowing And Planting Sorrel in Winter
Sorrel should be planted in a cool area where the sun is not too strong. It is an easy-care plant to grow in partial shade. You can also sow sorrel in a pot to be used on a balcony or terrace.
Sowing Sorrel Correctly
Be aware that sorrel is very invasive and can spread very quickly. Sorrel can be sown in spring with or without a cover at the end of winter. The rows should be marked at least 12-16 inches (30-40 cm) apart.
Place seed holes at intervals of 10 inches (25cm) and cover them with a thin layer of soil. Keep the soil moist. They should be thin as soon as they sprout so that you can keep only the strongest plants. Keep watering your plants regularly.
How To Plant Sorrel
The sorrel can be purchased in a nursery pot or container and planted in spring or autumn. It is fine in both the sun and shade, so it doesn’t need to be exposed.
Choose cool, rich soils and avoid too much chalky soil. The plant will return to its original place year after year.
Propagating Sorrel in Winter
Dividing your sorrel clump will allow you to propagate your sorrel in the easiest and most efficient way. You can also propagate your sorrel in spring and fall.
Grab the sorrel clump and as much of its surrounding root system as possible. Use a spade or sharp utensil to divide the clump into three or four parts. As long as there is at least one remaining leaf to plant, you can divide the clump in as many ways as you like.
Plant mini-clumps with at least one leaf. Get water regularly Split the sorrel plant clumps that have been there for more than 3-4 years. This will help to regenerate the plant base, which tends to get weaker over time.
Growing And Caring For Sorrel in Winter
Sorrel is easy to grow and maintain. There are a few things you can do to help increase your harvest and prolong the life of your clumps.
The first rule is to keep the sorrels from bolting or bearing seeds. Remove the stalks bearing flowers when they appear so that the plant can focus its energy on leaf growth.
To avoid weeds, hoe and cultivate frequently around the sorrel. Water for prolonged droughts and/or strong heat waves Spread compost or manure in winter to amend the soil for next year.
Growing Sorrel In Pots
Potted sorrel is more susceptible to water shortages and must be watered regularly as soon as the soil has dried. It is best that you repot your plant every year to ensure that all of its nutrient requirements are met.
Harvesting Sorrel in Winter
As you use them, pick the oldest leaves first. Avoid picking leaves less than 4 inches (10 cm) in height. Wait at least three months after sowing the first leaf to get your first year’s harvest.
If you keep your sorrel in the vegetable section of your refrigerator, it will last for at least 3 days. Sorrel can also be frozen and enjoyed all year.