Difference and Similarities of the Snow Queen and Marble Queen Pothos

Last Updated on April 10, 2024 by Real Men Sow

It may be difficult to distinguish between Snow Queen pothos and Marble Queen pothos since they’re from the same family.

What’s The Main Difference Between Snow Queen and Marble Queen Pothos?

The main difference between Snow Queen pothos and Marble Queen pothos is the leaf color. Marble Queen’s leaves are creamy and not white. Snow queen, on the other hand, has leaves that are pure white with less green.

Snow Queen also develops at a slower rate than Marble Queen. This is the last difference between the two. Due to their rapid growth, Marble Queen pothos must be trimmed. However, Snow Queen pothos can remain compact for a longer time.

Leaf Types Are Different

These plants have leaves that are approximately the same size and both have heart-shaped leaves that have pointed ends. Snow Queen is slightly more pointed than Marble Queen, which makes for a great contrast.

Variegation is what makes the leaves different. Both types of leaves are green when they first unfold. As they age, the leaves develop variegation at different intensities.

Snow Queen has significantly more chlorophyll-free tissue than marble queen pothos. The result is that about 80 percent of the leaves are white and the remaining 20% are green. The green hue is more visible in small areas of the leaf than it is all over. It has a mild green hue and the white is visible more clearly. Sometimes, the leaf can appear translucent.

Leaf Textures Are Same

The marble queen and snow queen are healthy and have gorgeous leather-like leaves with a glossy sheen. Both the Marble queen and Snow Queen have leaves that feel slightly waxy. You can feel the texture of the leaf by gently running your fingers across it. However, you can still distinguish them by the color of mature leaves.

Their shape changes as the leaves mature. They might appear deformed when they are young and just beginning to grow. This shouldn’t be a concern. You will be able to see their true form once they are fully grown.

Marble Queens’ Growth is More Robust

Marble Queen pothos’s leaves have more chlorophyll than the snow queen. This is why it looks greener. Marble queen also grows faster than the snow queen and this could be seen as a positive or negative. Marble Queen is an excellent choice if you are looking for a tough plant. If given the right conditions, these two plants can grow to a length of over six feet. It can grow up to six feet long in its natural state.

Marble Queen’s vs Snow Queen’s Plant Height

In terms of height, the Snow Queen is nearly the same size as her counterpart. The difference in this instance is that it will take longer to reach this size. This one might be the right choice if you like plants that are small in size. Both can climb well. They look great on balconies if they are planted in hanging pots. They look the best when they are hung from low supports.

The marble queen needs more nutrients and water than the snow queen because it grows faster. Make sure that you choose the right size pot for your marble queen, and not the snow queen. A smaller pot is better if your marble queen wants to look bushy or compact. To give your marble queen a bushy appearance, trim the top and roots regularly.

Aerial Roots

Aerial roots are roots that emerge from the vine. As they attach to the surrounding, they allow the plant to climb. Both Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos are rooted in the air. They can climb, grow and adapt to any environment.


The interesting thing about pothos plants is that they don’t grow from sheaths. Both the Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos have leaves that unfurl straight from the vine. You might have a philodendron if your plant has tiny sheaths. You might also be confused by other pothos-like plants. Remember that neither Snow Queen nor Marble Queen pothos can grow leaves from the sheaths.


A petiole is the part of the plant that connects the leaf to the vine. The petioles of pothos plants are very round with some indentation. There are no differences in the texture and shape of petioles for Marble Queen and Snow Queen pothos.

You will notice that the pedicles of Snow Queen are often whiter than those of these plants. Sometimes, the Snow Queen’s petioles may be completely white depending on what plant it is.

Growth Habit 

Marble Queen is faster than Snow Queen pothos. Their growth patterns are almost identical since they come from the same plant family.

They can grow indoors from 1.5 to 2.0 meters (5-6 ft) in length or height. These plants are adaptable and robust.

They can be hung from a basket or spread all over your room. Snow Queen is slow to grow so it will be easier to maintain a bushy appearance.

New Leaves

Over time, the leaves of Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos will open up. This is like receiving a birthday present. A surprise awaits from these plants. This is the most enjoyable thing about it all.

Both the Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos may have new leaves that are completely green. However, they will eventually turn white. Snow Queen pothos often see new leaves almost entirely white, rather than completely green. The same thing can happen with Marble Queen, though less intense. The amount of light they receive will determine the degree of variegation and color of new leaves.

These plants don’t have to grow in a certain way. They are free to do what they want, even if the shape of the leaves changes. Although the baby leaves may look like they’ve been chewed, it is perfectly normal. They will eventually reach 91 cm (3 feet) in length, and then they will take on the beautiful heart shape that we all love.


Pothos plants are often placed in Epipremnum aureum species. They are sometimes also called Epipremnum pinnatum or Rhaphidophora aurea. There are many varieties of pothos that can be called either of these names. Marble Queen, Golden pothos and Devil’s Ivy are some of the most well-known.

They are both part of the same family so knowing the taxonomy won’t be very helpful when trying to figure out the differences between Snow Queen pothos and Marble Queen pothos. Botanists call them Epipremnum Aureum. Names are not affected by the pothos variety.

Growing Marble Queen and Snow Queen Pothos

Both Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos have similar growing requirements. These are the requirements to help you identify the type of plant.


Snow Queen pothos do not require a lot of care and are easy to maintain. You should choose a soil that drains quickly to avoid root rot. You can add small pebbles to the bottom of your pot to make it fast-draining. If you don’t have the time or desire to make your own potting mix, you can use a cactus plant potting mix.

Marble Queen soil requirements are almost identical. They require well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. However, be careful not to make the soil too dry. Marble Queen requires soil that retains moisture. Perlite, peat moss and regular soil are the best types of soil.


A container with sufficient drainage holes is essential for both the Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos. It is important that water drains away, so the soil stays moist. A pole is a great option if you want your Snow Queen or Marble Queen to climb rather than hanging. Here’s where creativity is possible. These plants can grow and climb almost anything.

You can grow them as hanging plants by placing them in large pots or baskets. There are many options and Queen pothos plants can adapt to any environment.


Variegation in the Snow and Marble Queen Pothos is mainly due to light. The amount of sunlight the plant receives will determine the color of its leaves.

Each variety of pothos plant needs the same amount of light. They can thrive in areas that receive indirect sunlight or partial light. It is possible for your Snow Queen or Marble Queen pothos to fade if they are exposed to direct sunlight.


Like all their pothos relatives, Snow Queen and Marble Queen both prefer indoor temperatures. Avoid sudden temperature changes.

Average room temperatures will be sufficient for Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos. The Queens would do well in a temperature range of 18C to 23C (65F-75F).

Watering Marble Queen & Snow Queen

Marble Queen and Snow Queen pothos love moisture, but drainage can be very important. These plants should not be overwatered. Your Marble Queen should be watered once per week. Check to make sure your marble is ready for watering. It is safe to water your Marble Queen if the first two inches of the soil is dry.

Same goes for Snow Queen pothos. Their soil should be slightly dryer. Your Snow Queen will need water if the soil is dry. The general rule of thumb for all pothos plants is to water them more in summer. In winter, you don’t need to water them as often.


Granite and Snow Queen pothos require very little fertilizer, and there are several options if you want to fertilize them. Marble Queen pothos should be fertilized monthly during the growing season. Their growth is slower so fertilizing them in the spring would be a good idea. A regular, diluted fertilizer for houseplants would suffice. A slow-release fertilizer would be ideal for Snow Queen. These plants would benefit from organic fertilizers like worm castings and seaweed solutions. You shouldn’t be too concerned about fertilizers. For those who don’t have the time or patience to care for plants, Snow Queen and Marble Queen are great options.

Pruning Difference Between Snow Queen & Marble Queen 

Both Snow Queen and Marble Queen respond well to pruning. They are vigorous and wild so pruning is a good way to keep them in check.

Marble Queen grows a little slower than Snow Queen so I like to keep them bushy. You can achieve this by trimming the long stems in spring. Waiting until spring to trim dead or damaged leaves from your plant don’t have to happen. You can trim your plants at any time of the year. Trimming new growth can make your plant bushier.

Snow Queen photos are no different. Regularly trim the dying and yellowing leaves. You want your Snow Queen bushy and healthy, so prune the vines before it becomes too leggy.

Real Men Sow
Real Men Sow

Hello, I’m Pete and I’m currently based in the west of Scotland, in a small place called Rosneath, where I’m exploring my garden adventures. I personally started gardening around 6 years ago and initially, I started out by growing my favorite fruits and berries, such as strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries. Since then I’ve added a lot of vegetables and working closely with my neighbor, it’s been a lot of fun.