Why’re My Chinese Money Plant Leaves Falling Off?

Last Updated on February 15, 2022 by Real Men Sow

The Chinese Money plant is very attractive with its glossy, round, deep-colored, deep green leaves. It’s a common problem for Chinese Money plant leaves are falling off and this is because of either poor soil drainage or overwatering. This could also be caused by a lack of nutrients, poor exposure to bright sunlight, pest infestation, frosting, or aging of plant leaves.

Why’re Chinese Money Plant Leaves Falling Off?

Poor Soil Drainage

Water will build up in the bottom of your pot if the soil isn’t properly drained. The soil’s ability to absorb oxygen is hindered by that excess water. Roots will then die and rot, and that means the transport of essential minerals to other parts of the plant will stop. The entire plant will eventually experience wilting, and then shedding of its leaves.

Poor soil mixes, which are too compacted and not aerated can cause poor soil drainage. Water won’t be able to flow freely if the soil is dense. A lack of drainage holes can also be a reason.

Overwatering or Underwatering Chinese Money Plant Leaves

Succulents are Chinese money plants. They can store more water and can survive in dry areas for longer periods of time. Its fleshy stems have leaves and contain all the moisture needed for future use.

They are already water-rich so adding water to them is not an option. Overwatering can lead to poor soil drainage. The roots will begin to rot beneath the soil, and the aboveground leaves will yellow. They will eventually fall one by one.

However, plants can become dehydrated if they are not properly watered. Cells shrink when there is not enough water. The appearance of plants will change from a turgid to a slender one and will soon die if it is not stopped.

Lack of Nutrients Available in Soil

Plants can become unhealthy if they aren’t getting enough nutrients. Plants that aren’t properly nourished will develop a weak structure and form, just like humans. The entire plant’s stunted growth or slow growth is an indication of a deficient nutrient source. As well as yellowing and curling of leaves, a lesser amount of vibrant color can be seen.

Lack of Exposure to Bright Light

The Chinese money plant loves bright light, but indirect exposure is best. They need to have enough light to thrive. Plants will become leggy if the light is too dim. Because of its weak cell walls, the stems and leaves will be taller than normal. This is because they have lankier appearances. The entire plant’s foliage will be paler and thinner. Leggy leaves can lead to premature flower and leaf loss.

Pest Infestation of Chinese Money Plant Leaves

It is rare to find pest infestations in Chinese money plants but there is a possibility. Scale and mealybugs are common under the leaves, infestations of these pests would result to brown and black spots. They can be very subtle and can cause serious damage if you don’t check on them often. Mealybugs and scales can eat the leaves and cause holes. The leaves that are damaged turn yellow and become limp, making them fall eventually.


Chinese money plants can grow best at temperatures between 16 and 24°C (60-75°F). However, it is more sensitive to higher temperatures than lower ones. Extreme drops in temperature can prove to be dangerous during winter because they cannot withstand frost. Frost can occur if the leaves are not protected during winter and would result in frosted leaves causing death and then dropping.

The Chinese Money Plant Leaves Falling Off Because They’re OLD

The natural process of leaves falling can cause them to fall. This is normal and not a cause for concern because it’s also their chance for new growth. Aging is a natural phase in the decline of plants.

Leaf Shine Products

Even though we all want vibrant leaves for our plants, leaf shine products can cause more harm than good. Leaf shine covers the stomata through coating, and the stomata is vital because it’s the one that allows gas exchange. The leaves will struggle to absorb carbon dioxide if the stomata become blocked. Photosynthetic activity will decline if there is not enough CO2. Plants will die if there is less food available. The plant will eventually stop producing food and start to drop its leaves.

Windy Location

The leaves can also be damaged by too much air circulation. This could be why your plant’s leaves are falling if it is in an area with poor air circulation. Examples of this include exposure to air conditioning and windows that are open. These can immediately detach the petiole.

How Do You Prevent Chinese Money Plant Leaves Falling Off?

Use Well-drained Soil and Pots with Drainage Holes

The soil you use will make your plants thrive, and that means you have to start with a good potting mixture. To make the potting mix porous, you can add perlite, sand, or vermiculite. These tiny spaces will allow water through easily. It creates good airflow, which makes oxygen more accessible to the roots of plants.

Fix Drains To The Chinese Money Plant Leaves Won’t Fall Off

Mix your soil and test how quickly it drains. Pour water into the soil to check. It’s okay if it only takes a few seconds for the soil to drain out of its drainage holes. However, if the water takes several minutes to drain, it is time to amend the system. Drainage holes should be sized to match the pots’ size.

Water Only When Soil is Dry

As we do, it is normal to water plants as often as possible. However, this is not the case for Chinese money plants. In hot seasons, watering should be done once a week. When it is cold, such as winter, you should water less often. It is possible to water once per week or once per month, depending on the conditions.

If you are unsure if it is time to water, you can test your fingers by dipping your finger into the soil 2 inches deep. If you still feel moisture, don’t water the plant yet. You don’t have to force the plant into drinking if it isn’t thirsty. Before watering again, let the soil dry completely. It has a good water source so you don’t need to worry about it becoming wilted. You can always check the timing.

Make Sure to Always Drain Water

Make sure water is able to pass through soil and out of drainage holes when you water. Excess water in a container can cause root rot. Once water has been drained, you can return it to its original location.

When you water, don’t forget about removing the plate from under your pots. If you don’t, any liquid that has escaped from the drainage will remain there. Terra cotta pots are best as they dry quickly. The pot should not be too big for the plants. It will only accumulate more water than your plants require.

Add Liquid Fertilizer 

Chinese money plants, like all other species of plant, require adequate nutrients to grow. You must feed your plants regularly if you want them to live longer. It is possible to fertilize the plant every two months, but this all depends on its condition.

Use soluble fertilizer at half the concentration of the original. Chinese money plants don’t require as much fertilizer. Mix it with water and then add it to the soil. Over-fertilizing can be dangerous and could lead to sudden death.

Expose to Bright but Indirect Light

Find a spot with enough light sources and a windowsill is the ideal spot, especially if it faces east. Prevent heat stress and burning leaves, however, avoid direct sunlight contact. Glass windows are the best choice but it’s best to not place it too close to the glass as it heats up. 

You should leave enough room for air circulation. Artificial light is the best option for seasons with less natural light. Open any light source in your room to compensate for the lack of sunlight. To maximize the light available, you can also take out curtains or shade.

Manually Remove Pests

Manually removing bugs from leaves is the best way to eliminate them. You don’t need to use pesticides for your house plants because the chemicals are in your home and you might end up inhaling them.

Do not wait for it to spread. You can also remove it if the leaves become severely infected. To treat scale bug infected leaves, you can use a low-concentration liquid detergent. For the propagation of new plants, be quick to repot new buds. This will prevent the young plants becoming infected.

Watch out for Extreme Changes in Temperature

It is difficult to predict the future and you’ll need to be alert for unexpected temperature changes. Move the plant to a cooler place if it gets too hot or add shades to your plants, increase the light presence, if it gets too hot. Preparation for winter is key, make sure to cover your Chinese money plants to protect them.

Remove Aged Leaves

If you begin to notice the aging leaves, it is time to remove them. This will ensure that your leaves remain vibrant and healthy. Removing aging leaves allows young leaves to grow further by creating space and it keeps the plant’s appearance fresh and clean. But be careful not to harm the other leaves and use regular scissors or pruning shears to help.

Choose a Steady Location

A place with less movement is ideal because they’re very fragile and need to be located somewhere with fewer disturbances. Avoid placing it near an AC unit, fan, or heater. If it is too windy, you can use other sturdy plants for shade.

Use Water to Clean the Chinese Money Plant Leaves

Spray the leaves with water if it becomes dusty or you can wipe it clean with a damp cloth.

Real Men Sow
Real Men Sow

Hello, I’m Pete and I’m currently based in the west of Scotland, in a small place called Rosneath, where I’m exploring my garden adventures. I personally started gardening around 6 years ago and initially, I started out by growing my favorite fruits and berries, such as strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries. Since then I’ve added a lot of vegetables and working closely with my neighbor, it’s been a lot of fun.