Make Paper Plant Pots Using This DIY Guide

Last Updated on August 9, 2022 by Real Men Sow

Not only is it eco-friendly but you will also save money by making your own paper pots. The newspaper pots can be used for half-hardy annuals such as cosmos, antirrhinum and zinnias. They are 100% biodegradable. The whole pot can then be placed in the soil once the plants have been allowed to go outside.

What do you need for paper plant pots?

You will need a pile of newspaper and some circular objects to make molds. Wrap strips of paper around a bottle several times before folding the paper over the base. You can also buy simple wooden pot-making tools. You can also make glass jar lanterns, or a home for the stag beetles out of old plastic pots if you are looking for eco-friendly gardening ideas.

Materials Needed For Paper Plant Pots

  • Newspaper
  • Cylindrical objects, such as bottles (or a pot-making kit)

DIY Paper Plant Pots Steps

  1. You can make pots for any purpose using molds of various sizes.
  2. You can cut strips of newspaper so that they are long enough to be folded half-way across the base of the mold. Then roll the paper around to create 4-6 layers in each pot.
  3. To create pots that are firm, wrap tightly and then fold the paper over the base to ensure there is no space for compost to fall.
  4. The crimping block in wooden kits helps to create a crease that holds paper rigid. Or, you can simply push the base onto a flat surface.
  5. Slide the paper pot carefully out of the mold. Place the pots on a tray for sowing.

Important Additional Notes

  • Your pot will be determined by the size of the can or jar you use, so make sure to choose carefully!
  • To avoid injury, cover any sharp openings in a can or tin with duct tape.
  • When the seedlings have grown enough to be planted, you can place the entire pot directly into the ground. The paper will eventually rot (biodegrade), within a few weeks.
  • These pots are great for giving plants away. You can also plant individual seeds of sunflower or tomato in these pots to bring sunshine to your neighborhood.
Real Men Sow
Real Men Sow

Hello, I’m Pete and I’m currently based in the west of Scotland, in a small place called Rosneath, where I’m exploring my garden adventures. I personally started gardening around 6 years ago and initially, I started out by growing my favorite fruits and berries, such as strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries. Since then I’ve added a lot of vegetables and working closely with my neighbor, it’s been a lot of fun.