Last Updated on August 9, 2022 by Real Men Sow
Eranthis Hyemalis (Winter Aconite) is a great source of cherry color in a season when borders can look a little barren. Its bright, yellow flowers with a distinctive green ruff appear in February on ground-hugging plants.
What are winter aconite look like
They are best grown in masses under trees where they can be complemented by snowdrops. Although winter aconites are difficult to establish, once established they will naturally spread. Winter aconite, a member of the buttercup family, is a perennial tuberous plant that is native to Europe. However, there are many other species that come from Asia. Plants will die after flowering.
Where To Plant Winter Aconites
Winter aconite should be grown in partial shade with moist, well-drained soil. This will ensure the best results. The plants are suited to woodland environments because they flower before deciduous trees’ canopies.
How To Plant Winter Aconites
It can be hard to plant winter aconites. They can be difficult to establish because they are small, round tubers. Although dried tubers can be purchased, they are difficult to start. Planting winter aconites in the ground can be costly.
Propagate Aconites
It is best to divide winter aconites immediately after they have flowered. They will self-seed once established. By collecting seeds from the plants and scattering them by hand, you can help them. You can also sow directly in containers.
Winter aconites are generally pest-free but can become smutty.
How To Care For Winter Aconites
Winter aconite bulbs, unlike tulips or crocus bulbs, are not actually bulbs but tubers. These fleshy roots, which are similar to bulbs, store water and food for the plant’s growth over winter. These roots should be planted in the fall, just as you are digging in other spring-flowering bulbs. These tiny tubers should be protected from winter storms by being planted at a depth of 5 inches (12 cm). The soil should be at least 6 inches deep, from the tuber’s base to the soil surface.
Does Winter Aconite Regrow?
Winter aconite can be left alone to thrive and live. They will continue to grow year after year if they are planted in fertile and well-drained soil. After they have finished blooming, do not remove the plants. Let the leaves naturally die back. When your lawn is ready for mow, the winter aconite leaves will have dried and become brown. They can then be removed along with the first blades.
Best Companion Plants for Winter Aconites
Winter aconites work best with early-flowering, small-sized varieties of blue and purple crocus. These include ‘Blue Pearl,’ ‘Ladykiller (a purple-violet white), Firefly’, and ‘Tricolor.
Dutch Crocus
The Dutch Crocus is a larger flowering variety that flowers four weeks later than the aconites. Their size can overwhelm them. It is possible to plant Crocus tommasinianus in full sunlight if the grass is not too dry. These include ‘Barr’s Purple’ ‘Prince Claus’ ‘Whitewell Purple’ ‘Ruby Giant’.