How To Grow Elaeagnus Plants?

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Real Men Sow

Sometimes Elaeagnus gets overlooked because although it is not a large shrub, its foliage can be quite attractive and can complement other garden plants. Their flowers can also be hard to identify, but they are very fragrant and will make you smile as you search for the source of their heady scent as you pass.

What is Elaeagnus?

Elaeagnus can also be known as spiny oleaster, thorny olive, and Silverthorn. They are native to Asia. They are good for hedging and structural plants, especially the evergreen ones. One of their greatest selling points is their salt tolerance, which makes them an excellent choice for coastal gardens.

Best growing condition

Plant Elaeagnus on well-drained soil in full sun. In autumn, mulch in the fall and cut back on flowering.

Best conditions for growing Elaeagnus

Elaeagnus thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. They are tough plants that can tolerate all soil types including dry soil. You can use them as a hedge or shrub to grow other colorful plants. You can also plant one next to a bench or other seating area to enjoy its fragrant blooms.

How To Plant Elaeagnus

If you are buying bare-root plants, plant Elaeagnus in the autumn. If you have pot-grown them, plant them anytime. Make sure the plant is in the same soil depth as it was before. Look out for soil ‘tide marks’ on the stem. Water thoroughly and firm the soil around the roots.

Steps to Plant a Bare-root Shrub

  1. Pick a spot that is open and work your way over the soil. Add lots of compost. Place the root ball of the shrub in the middle of a large planting hole.
  2. Spread the roots around the hole, then cover it with soil enriched in compost. Firmen your boot to eliminate any air pockets.
  3. After watering the shrub, spread a thick layer of compost around it. You should water the shrub every week until it becomes leafy and established.

How To Propagate Elaeagnus

Semi-ripe summer cuttings can be used to propagate elaeagnus. Semi-ripe cuttings can be made from the stems of the current year, which are soft at the tip and woody at their base. The stems should be cut to a length of 5 cm. Next, remove the lower leaves and place them in a pot with moist, gritty compost. To maintain humidity levels, cover the pot with clear polythene. As soon as you see signs of growth, pot each young plant.

Issues when growing Elaeagnus

Although Elaeagnus is usually free of pests, it can be affected by coral spots and fungal leaf spots. The sap-sucking Elaeagnus succker can cause sooty mold to develop on leaves. It is best to get rid of affected leaves as soon as possible.

How To Care For Elaeagnus

Elaeagnus require little to no maintenance and are easy to take care of. To maintain a specific shape, you can cut your elaeagnus after flowering with shears and secateurs. Mulch your plants with compost every year.

How To Pick Them

  • Elaeagnus can be purchased at a variety of nurseries and garden centers, but specialty retailers and online will have more options.
  • Before buying or planting, always inspect the plants for disease or damage.
Real Men Sow
Real Men Sow

Hello, I’m Pete and I’m currently based in the west of Scotland, in a small place called Rosneath, where I’m exploring my garden adventures. I personally started gardening around 6 years ago and initially, I started out by growing my favorite fruits and berries, such as strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries. Since then I’ve added a lot of vegetables and working closely with my neighbor, it’s been a lot of fun.