Grow Purple Sprouting Broccoli – Gardener’s Know-How

Last Updated on March 15, 2022 by Real Men Sow

In my house, one of the favourite crops of the year is the prolific purple sprouting broccoli. These little purple florets are real nuggets of flavour, and Ailsa especially loves them. Together with planting rhubarb, they burst onto the scene in Spring, bringing colour and life to the plot again after the winter. Since purple sprouting broccoli is a great source of vitamins and fibre, I will share the top instructions on how to plant and harvest this in your garden.

How to Grow Purple Sprouting Broccoli

I always start my purple sprouting off in pots, sowing the seeds 1cm deep into multipurpose compost. Germination occurs at 5oC and seedlings usually appear in about a fortnight. Keep the seedlings watered, and plant out when they reach about 10-15cm tall.

Sowing Purple Sprouting Broccoli

When planting out, pop a trowelful of manure or compost into the hole to provide the roots with a little boost, and water well. The plants will grow big and wide (sometimes as high as 4ft), so give them plenty of space.

What Month to Plant Broccoli

Normally, I’ll sow in March, in a greenhouse, or in April outside. Remember to harden off greenhouse-grown seedlings before planting out, and avoid the last frosts if you can. Depending on the strength of the plant, it might be worth staking up too if particularly windy weather if forecast.

When to net purple sprouting broccoli

It is also worth considering netting during Summer. Cabbage White butterflies are partial to a brassica and will decimate a plant within days if they’re allowed to (I know, I’ve been there!).

How long does it take to Grow Purple Sprouting Broccoli?

I always make sure I keep an eye on the purple sprouting broccoli! Once the new year comes, as a bigger purple head will develop on the plant. Nipping this off before it grows too large will encourage lots of smaller side shoots. Harvest shoots when they’re about 6 inches long, and if you prevent the plant from flowering it will continue to produce for up to 2 months.

Share Your Planting Experience

The earliest I’ve harvested purple sprouting broccoli before is March, but this year I’m harvesting now courtesy of a crop grown by the previous incumbent of my new allotment.

I’m told that as well as the Early Purple Sprouting variety that I already grow, there’s an Extra Early variety, Rudolph, out there which is ready for harvest in January. Rudolph is definitely on my list to grow for 2014.

And if that’s not enough, there’s a Late Sprouting too. That little lot should keep you in PSB for 6 months, which is no bad thing: according to one seed provider, 1g of broccoli provides your entire daily requirement of vitamin C.

Real Men Sow
Real Men Sow

Hello, I’m Pete and I’m currently based in the west of Scotland, in a small place called Rosneath, where I’m exploring my garden adventures. I personally started gardening around 6 years ago and initially, I started out by growing my favorite fruits and berries, such as strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries. Since then I’ve added a lot of vegetables and working closely with my neighbor, it’s been a lot of fun.

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