Growing Forget-Me-Not Flower in Your Garden

Last Updated on April 10, 2024 by Real Men Sow

Myosotis, also known as Forget-me not, is a modest but beautiful spring flower that appears in blue cloudy clouds at the borders and edges of paths. It can be used to complement other spring flowers such as wallflowers or taller tulips. It looks great in a container or window box.

Where To Plant Forget-Me-Not Flower

Plant forget-me-not in moist but well-drained soil, in either a sunny or shaded area. It can be attractive to plant forget-me-not with other shade-loving plants like hosta.Forget-Me-Not

What month is the forget-me-not flower?

Plant forget-me-not seeds outdoors in May or June or indoors in May, June, and September. Sprinkle seeds with compost and cover them with a cover if you are sowing undercover. To ensure germination, heat a propagator or warm windowsill. When the seedlings have grown sufficiently large to be able to handle, you can prick them and then pot them. The next year will bring forth flowers.


Forget-me not will easily self-seed. You can either let them spread naturally, or you can lift new seedlings to replant wherever you like.

Growing Forget-Me-Not: Problem Solving

Myosotis does not have pests that target them, but after flowering, foliage can become susceptible to powdery mildew and downy mildew.

General Care For Forget-Me-Not

Many forget-me-not plants are biennials, which means they self-seed. If you don’t wish them to spread, pull the plants up before they start setting seed.

Advice On Buying Forget-Me-Not

  • You can choose from plug plants or seeds – some nurseries will sell packs of plugs to help you spring plant.
  • Before planting, always inspect the plants for signs and symptoms of disease, pests, or other damage.

Forget-Me-Not Flower Varieties To Try

  • Myosotis Scorpioides – The water forget-me-not is an essential perennial in wildlife ponds. It can be used for the edges and in shallower water. It shelters aquatic larvae like tadpoles and allows for newts to lay eggs. After flowering, cut back the plants and divide clumps every few years.
  • Myosotis Sylvatica – is the classic forget-me-not biennial. It grows in clumps and produces the blue flowers that are common in spring. Myosotis-sylvatica is a biennial that self-seeds and produces flowers most years.
  • Myosotis Arvensis – The field forget-me knot is an annual forget – me-not with blue and sometimes pink spring flowers. Sometimes, it continues until autumn or the rosettes of leaves can successfully overwinter.
  • Myosotis Blue Ball – This cultivar is compact and tall, reaching a height 15cm. The blue flowers appear in spring and summer.
  • Myosotis Bluesylva – A low-spreading biennial cultivar. The blue flowers have yellow eyes that fade to white.
  • Myosotis sempervirens ‘Victoria” – soft pink, blue, and white flowers. This plant has a very long flowering time.
Real Men Sow
Real Men Sow

Hello, I’m Pete and I’m currently based in the west of Scotland, in a small place called Rosneath, where I’m exploring my garden adventures. I personally started gardening around 6 years ago and initially, I started out by growing my favorite fruits and berries, such as strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries. Since then I’ve added a lot of vegetables and working closely with my neighbor, it’s been a lot of fun.