Growing Weeping Fig Plant (Ficus Benjamina)

Last Updated on April 15, 2024 by Real Men Sow

The weeping tree fig (Ficus Benjamina), also known by the names Benjamin fig or Java fig, tropic lurel, Java tree or small-leaved rubber plants, has arching stems with small, variegated or glossy green leaves. The weeping fig plant will become a graceful, small tree with a height of around 1.8m or 5.9 feet. This makes it a focal point. It is also a great air purifier.

How fast does a weeping fig plant grow?

While weeping figs can grow to great heights in the wild, they are slow-growing and seldom outgrow their home. Sometimes they are sold with spiral or braided trunks with the leaves forming a lollipop shape.

Because they tend to drop their leaves, weeping figs are known for being temperamental. Although they aren’t very difficult to maintain, they need the right conditions in order to thrive. Keep in mind that the sap from fig plants can cause irritation to the skin.

How To Grow Weeping Fig Plant

Weeping figs are picky about their growing conditions. If they are unhappy, they will throw their leaves. To thrive, they need bright but indirect lighting and a constant temperature of at least 16°C. The leaves can become weaker from poor lighting, poor watering, improper movement, and draughts. Only water the compost’s top few centimetres.

Where To Grow Weeping Fig

It is important to choose the right place for your weeping fig. A spot with bright, indirect light is best – it should be at least a few feet away from a window. The plant should not be in a drafty area or near heat sources such as a heater or radiator in winter. To thrive, weeping figs require a constant temperature of 16°C during the summer and 13°C in winter. They can grow to be large plants over time, so make sure they have plenty of space. Once you’ve found the perfect spot, don’t move the plant. You can rotate your weeping figs occasionally to offset this tendency.

How To Plant A Weeping Fig

Place the plant in a pot with drainage holes that is slightly larger than your original pot. For drainage, add soil-based compost to the pot. Use gloves to handle a weeping fig. The sap can cause irritation.

Caring For A Weeping Fig

Once you’ve found the perfect spot for your plant and watered it, don’t overwater it. Wait until the top 2-3 cm of compost is dry. Once you have watered your plant, let the excess water run off. To avoid shock the plant, use tepid water.

Repotting Weeping Fig Plants

Weeping figs don’t like being repotted often. This can lead to them losing their leaves. If they are young, pot them into a larger pot. After they reach a good size, you can refresh the top layer with compost every spring. Use a spoon or fork to carefully remove the top 5 cm of soil.

Feeding Weeping Fig Plants

You can feed your plants with a liquid fertilizer of half strength, such as seaweed food, in spring and summer.

Pruning Weeping Figs

To keep your weeping fig in shape, or to maintain a certain size, you can prune it. When the plant is dormant, prune in winter. The sap will fall as soon as the stem is cut. Protect your skin with gloves and protect the floor below. First, remove dead or dying branches. Then, take out any branches that are threatening the tree’s shape. To allow new branches and leaves to grow, cut branches just above the node.

How To Propagate A Weeping Fig

Use stem cuttings to propagate weeping figs, make sure to wear gloves for protection from the plant’s irritant sap. Cut off healthy stems that have green growth at their tops and woody growth at their bases in spring or early summer. After allowing the base to harden, place the stem in an open container with water.

Do weeping figs need direct sunlight?

Place the stem in a sunny spot where it will not be directly exposed to direct sunlight. Every few days, you should change the water. Within a few weeks, new roots should appear. After the roots have grown to a good size, you can plant the new plant in a pot with fresh, multi-purpose, or houseplant compost. Allow the water to drain off.

Problems When Growing Weeping Fig Plant (Ficus)

The most common problem with weepingfigs is sudden drops in leaves. There are many reasons for sudden leaf drops. The plant might need more light or have been over- or underwatered. The weeping figs are not fond of sudden temperature changes, draughts from open windows or air conditioning, or high heat from a radiator. They don’t like being moved or repotted so avoid this. If they are being attacked by pests, they may drop their leaves.

Low Humidity

Low humidity can cause brown leaf tips. Mist your plants regularly if they are in a centrally heated area. Inadequate or irregular watering could also be a problem. You should water the root ball before it has completely dried. Make sure you drain any excess water.


Sunburn can cause large dark spots on leaves. Make sure your plants are not in direct sunlight.

Leaf Spots

Leaf spots are small brown patches on leaves that are surrounded by a yellow hue. If water splashes on the leaves, this can cause problems. To stop the problem from spreading, remove affected leaves.

Sooty mold is a black or sooty spot on the plant that indicates the presence of sap sucking insects such as mealybugs and whitefly.

Advice On Buying A Weeping Fig Plant

  • You want a plant that is healthy and has lush leaves. Make sure to look out for sap that may be a sign of pests or recent pruning.
  • You need to ensure that your space is adequate for your plant. It can grow up to 1.8m in height.
  • Spring is the best time to purchase a ficus, as it has the ideal temperature and humidity.
  • You should research what your ficus requires to thrive so that you can find the right spot.
Real Men Sow
Real Men Sow

Hello, I’m Pete and I’m currently based in the west of Scotland, in a small place called Rosneath, where I’m exploring my garden adventures. I personally started gardening around 6 years ago and initially, I started out by growing my favorite fruits and berries, such as strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries. Since then I’ve added a lot of vegetables and working closely with my neighbor, it’s been a lot of fun.