Last Updated on April 16, 2024 by Real Men Sow
When it comes to feeding plants, nothing beats organic compost. Good compost contains the ideal range of nutrients which are released slowly into the ground as plants need them. Often, however, there is a valid reason to supplement plants with fertilizer, such as when growing in less than ideal soil, or in pots and containers where the potting soil can gradually lose its nutrients.
Why Should You Use Comfrey Fertilizer?
When choosing how to supplement plants the environmentally-conscious gardener faces a dilemma: many commercially produced fertilizers are either chemical-based or highly processed and shipped in difficult-to-recycle plastic bottles. That is why comfrey fertilizer is a brilliant alternative that you can grow yourself.
Benefits of Comfrey Fertilizer and Organic Compost
Organic compost is the best thing to feed your plants. Good organic compost has the ideal range of nutrients that your plants need. Multi-purpose compost is one way to optimize your soil quality! However, using fertilizer is needed when you’re growing plants in not ideal soil, or in pots and containers.
There is an option to buy chemical-based or highly processed fertilizers. However, there is also an option of growing your own fertilizer. Comfrey, a large herb that grows in damp places. It’s not often introduced because these plants may go out of control in the garden. A variety was then introduced, the Bocking 14. It’s sterile and won’t seed itself, therefore, it won’t go out of control in the garden. Comfrey easily roots and grows, so make sure to plant them in their own bed where no other plants are grown.
Uses of Comfrey Fertilizer Around The Garden
Grass clippings are a great source of mulch! Cut its leaves and leave it to wilt for a couple of days. Pile them around potatoes and tomatoes as a thick mulch.
Liquid Fertilizer
Put the leaves in a large container with a hole in the bottom. Make sure to put a container underneath it to collect the thick black liquid from the Comfrey. You can weigh the leaves down with an old brick. Dilute the liquid collected 15:1 ratio with water before using them as leaf feed.
Dig in
You can dig its leaves into an area you’re preparing for a new crop.
Compost Activator
You can boost hot composting by adding comfrey. This is due to the fact that comfrey is high in nitrogen.
Potting Soil
Shred the leaves and mix them with leaf mold for a balanced soil. This can be used as soil for potted plants. Don’t forget that it may be a little strong for young seedlings.
It’s best to plant the comfrey near your compost bin, it’s a good use of space rather than you planting vegetable plants near the compost bin. Slugs often eat your vegetables when they’re near your bin, so planting the comfrey there is better since slugs leave them alone. The purple flowers it grows also attracts beneficial bugs. It’s best to split some of the roots every couple of years, this is to prevent them from going out of control in your garden.