Last Updated on February 15, 2022 by Real Men Sow
If you have an aloe vera tree, the most common problem you’ll face is overwatering. The most serious problem is overwatering. It can lead to root rot in your aloe vera.
This fungal disease can cause death to your aloe vera plant if it is not addressed immediately. Before you do anything, it is important to first diagnose the problem and then decide the best course.
What Happens To Overwatered Aloe Vera?
Aloe vera plants that are overwatered will develop yellowing leaves and rotting roots. The plant should be removed from its container. Apply a fungicide on the roots and remove infected areas. To avoid overwatering, you can repot your aloe plant in new potting soil.
You have to act now, but it is possible to save your plant. This article will discuss how to save your aloe vera plant and the best way to water an aloe plant.
What Does an Overwatered Aloe Plant Look Like?
Overwatering can cause droopy leaves and a soft, soggy feeling. However, this condition can often be reversed by using simple techniques. This condition is easy to avoid. These are signs that your aloe starts to hurt..
Signs of Overwatered Aloe Plant
- Aloe vera leaves are becoming mushy
- The stem and leaves will become soft.
- The tips of the outermost leaves turn brown.
- Aloe Vera plants turning brown
- Soil can be a breeding ground for mold
- The leaves have blistered cells that absorb excess water
Differences Between Under and Overwatering Aloe Vera
It can be frustrating for less-experienced gardeners to misinterpret the symptoms of very different problems. The most confusing sign is the drooping leaves in both cases. Inexperienced gardeners may not know what to do next.
There are many other signs and symptoms that can help you diagnose the problem. To treat the problem, you must first get it right.
Overwatering Symptoms
Like underwatering, the leaves will droop but their texture will be more mushy than under-watered plants. This indicates that the problem is not caused by underwatering but overwatering.
The leaves will begin to lose their bright green color and will be beginning to fade. The soil will feel damp and can be used to determine if your plant is suffering from overwatering or underwatering.
You may smell a swampy, damp odor if you take the plant out of the pot. The roots could be rotten as the root ball may be dampened. Rotting roots look browner and more soft than white, which is what they are when they are healthy.
Underwatering Symptoms
First, notice that the leaves are likely to droop and hang over the pot’s edge instead of being upright. The leaves will turn yellow and become thinner. These leaves often have brown tips. Sometimes, brown spots appear at the edges of leaves that have been dried and desiccated. The roots will become brittle when you lift the pot from the soil.
Can You Save an Overwatered Aloe Plant?
This question has a simple answer: Maybe. It all depends on how fast you took action when you recognized there was a problem and how advanced the problem is.
These plants are beautiful and worth trying to save, they’re also very robust so you should be able to identify the problem and fix it. Like so many aspects of houseplant care, paying close attention to your plants is the best way to prevent health problems.
How to Revive a Severely Overwatered Aloe Plant
You now know what signs to look out for in an aloe plant. You should act quickly if you see any of the above signs. It is very difficult to save an aloe plant from overwatering. Because the damage has already been done.
The severity of the symptoms will determine how to treat an aloe vera overwatered. There are three scenarios and there will be appropriate solutions for each. These actions will differ depending on how severe the problem is.
Step by Step Solution to Your Situation (Overwatered Aloe Plant)
- Take the aloe vera gel out of the pot and shake off any loose potting dirt. You should remove as little soil as possible, but not enough to damage the roots. A wooden toothpick, such as the one used at Chinese restaurants, can be used to remove the soil.
- It may take up to three days for the drying process. You can cover the roots with newspaper or another type of paper then place it in a garage or semi-basement. It should receive indirect light, as it won’t be able to withstand direct sunlight. It should not be heated and its temperature must not fall below 5oC/41oF.
- After the roots are dried, inspect them carefully and remove any roots that are beginning to rot.
- Remove any damaged root matter until you find clean, healthy root matter. This will make your roots firm and white.
- You can also remove damaged leaves that appear to be beyond saving.
- Dust the roots with a powdered fungicide, which you can buy at most garden centers.
- Pot your plant in a suitable potting mixture. Make sure to prepare a well-draining substrate. Use 50% potting mixture and 50% stones of various sizes. For example, River Rocks, Pebbles, Outdoor Decorative Stones, Natural Gravel.
- Make sure the pot you use has sufficient drainage and is the same size that the one you just took out. To prevent any residual diseases from spreading, sterilize the pot with bleach or boiling water.
- Place the plant in direct light. Don’t water again until it is dry. Gradually, your plant will start to grow new healthy leaves and its strength will return.
How to Save Overwatered Aloe Plant With Mild Symptoms
Your aloe vera is starting to look a little off-color and droopy.
- Stop watering because these succulents can live for many years without any water.
- The pot should be able to drain easily and should have a hole large enough for your finger to fit through.
- Let the soil dry completely, and then keep an eye on the aloe versa to ensure that it is gaining color and texture.
- You should ensure that your plant has enough light, but not too much, to allow it to recover.
- After the soil has dried and the condition of the soil has improved, it is possible to water again with the watering method described later in the article.
What If Overwatered Aloe Vera Is Impossible to Revive
Now it’s time for you to look at what can be done to keep it from becoming a complete loss. This is easiest if you look for pups, or plantlets, at the base of your plant. These can be removed from the parent plant using a sharp, sterile knife. Then they can be repotted in a new potting mixture.
The soil should be kept moist, and the young plants should be in a sunny position. They will soon become exact clones and heirlooms of the parent plants you have lost.
Some growers prefer to start their pups by putting them in a water container until they form roots. This method is not recommended because the plants are so resistant to getting their feet wet. Your pup is likely to be a weakling plant. To avoid root rot, plant the pup in a suitable potting soil.
If there are no pups available, which is very possible, you will need to inspect your plant to determine if any leaf material is still viable enough to be used as a source for leaf cuttings.
Cut off 3 inches of the tip of healthy leaves if you find them. Allow the cutting to dry for several days so that it can develop a callus. The cutting will most likely develop root rot and eventually fail if it is planted directly.
It can be protected by a callus and pushed into the potting mixture to about half its depth. Then, place it on a sunny windowsill. Soon it will start to grow roots.
Why is My Aloe Overwatered?
There are many reasons why you might experience overwatering problems. However, it is most likely that the plant owner wants to keep his/her aloe vera happy.
We will be discussing the best watering regimen for Aloe vera, but let’s not forget about other causes of excessive moisture.
Insufficient Drainage Capacity In The Pot
To allow water to escape, a pot must have a hole in its bottom. This is essential because water can build up quickly and cause the plant to suffer. A hole should be large enough for a tip of a finger to fit into, or several smaller holes.
Soil Is Too Moisture Retentive
Aloes require well-drained soil. If you plant Aloe in a regular potting mix, it will retain moisture and not drain as quickly.
This problem can be overcome by using a proprietary mix of cactus or by making ordinary potting soil drain faster by adding river sand or grit or perlite.
It doesn’t matter what material you use, but you should mix at least fifty percent of the chosen material with 50 percent of good houseplant potting soil.
Weather Conditions
It is obvious that soil and plants will lose more moisture if the humidity in the air rises. You can do this if your watering schedule is adjusted accordingly. However, if you continue to water as if the conditions were dry, excess moisture could build up at the roots.
Choosing Your Aloe Pot
Your Aloe root ball should be slightly larger than your pot. The plant should be able to grow into a container that is approximately one-half inch larger than the previous container.
You might be tempted to plant your roots in a larger pot, thinking it will give you more space. This soil retains moisture, so you will need to water more often.
How to Keep That Moisture Level Perfect
This is the key to happy house plants. Although it is simple to do, it is also the most common mistake. First, determine the water requirements of your plants. Then, provide that moisture on a regular basis.
This plant is already succulent, and it’s from North Africa’s desert regions. This tells us it doesn’t need a lot of water. This is confirmed by the fact succulent leaves can retain water, so gardeners don’t have to water them constantly. You need to let your Aloe dry between every watering to keep it happy. This seems counterintuitive to many gardeners. It is polite to feed your guest if they are visiting you at home.
In the misguided belief it will grow faster and be happier, aloe vera is constantly being watered. The tip of my forefinger is my secret weapon when it comes to house plants. It can be inserted into soil up to two inches deep. This allows me to determine if it is dry or moist.
The soil should be dry before I water the Aloe. Because the plant has good moisture reserves, it will not suffer from a few extra days without water. A moisture meter might be a better choice if you are unsure of your ability to sense moisture or have just spent fifty on a manicure. These devices are inexpensive and can be found at garden centers. They consist of a probe you use to poke into the soil. This then gives you a reading that tells you if it is dry, wet, or damp.
How to Water Aloe Vera Plant
This is the next step to take once you’ve determined that your Aloe needs water.
- Water the soil in a basin or sink until it dries out. It is preferable to use purified or captured rainwater. The most prominent chemical in domestic tap water is chlorine. These chemicals can build up over time and become toxic to your houseplants.
- After you have added enough water, let the excess water drain off. People often return the pot to their saucers while it is still dripping. The saucer traps extra water, preventing drainage. Your Aloe roots will remain damp, and you can repeat the overwatering process.
How to Water Aloe Vera Properly
When it comes to watering, the most important thing I can tell you is to regularly check the soil’s moisture levels. Do not water your plants on a weekly, twice-weekly, or monthly basis. The evaporation rate is affected by many factors, including heat, weather conditions, and the size of the plant.
Instead, you should be able to check the moisture levels on a regular basis and water the plant according to its needs.
Common Mistakes in Watering Aloe Plant
You already know the dangers of improperly watering aloe vera! Let’s now look at the common watering errors made by aloe growers.
- Plants are often watered from the top. This is a mistake that can cause aloe to dry out. It can cause spots to form on the leaves. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe off any dust.
- Aloe leaves may appear to be droopy. It could be because you’ve used too much cold water. This can be especially dangerous in summer. It can cause irreversible damage if there is a substantial temperature difference between the room temperature and the water temperature.
- The growth of bacteria and fungi can be caused by excess water in the pan. This can lead to the death and rotting of the roots. If the pot is placed on the windowsill, it is crucial to keep an eye on this during winter. The bottom of the pot can freeze if it is exposed to severe frosts.
- Insufficient watering causes the plant to die. This can be seen in the form of wilting and thinned leaves. Make sure you have enough water to support plant growth.
- It is a common mistake to water aloe vera too much. Aloe vera roots will rot if it is not watered every day. This is usually indicated by a white or rusty layer on the ground. Instead, you should be able to check the moisture levels on a regular basis and water the plant according to its needs.
Now you are able to save your aloe plant from being overwatered. This beautiful, beneficial plant can be grown in your own home. You don’t need to worry about the health of your aloe plants if you follow these tips.