How To Grow Wheatgrass Indoors

Last Updated on June 12, 2023 by Real Men Sow

Wheatgrass is the tender, newly-sprouted shoots of Tritium Aestivum, a wheat plant. It is actually grass. You have probably seen small pots of “cat grass” in pet shops. This is also called wheatgrass and can be purchased for indoor cats as a snack. Fresh grass is good for both dogs and cats. You can offer your pet wheatgrass that you have grown indoors as an alternative to synthetic turfgrass.

Wheatgrass is a nutritious superfood that can be grown at home. You can have fresh wheatgrass juice whenever you need it.

Germination Methods for Wheatgrass Indoors

Although you can grow winter wheat seeds in a medium that is suitable for sprouting, it’s better to start them off before planting. This information is intended for germinating the seeds before planting.


Although opinions differ on which growing methods are best, everyone agrees that you should pre-soak your seeds before planting. No matter how many seeds you have, add three times the water to each seed and allow them to soak for at least 12 hours. After soaking the seeds for at least 12 hours, rinse them well and drain them. Then transfer them to their growing medium or sprouting phase.

When a white tail emerges from the grain, you can tell that wheat seeds are beginning to sprout. Some growers recommend three long soaking/draining periods before planting. The seeds will have sprouted by then.

Sprouting Vessel

There are three main ways to grow wheatgrass seed.

  1. Bags – A sprouting bag simplifies the sprouting process. It is easy to rinse the seeds without having to transfer them. Some people also soak their wheat seeds in the bag. The sprouting bag can be used to soak the seeds. After rinsing, rinse the bag with cool water.
  2. Mason jar method – When you use a mason-jar to grow seeds, it is best to get one with a wide mouth and a two-part lid. This allows you to take the rim off the jar and place cheesecloth on top. A mesh lid can be purchased for this purpose. The seeds can be soaked in the jar. After that, rinse the container and drain the water.
  3. Sprouting Kits – There are excellent sprouting kit options available that will make sprouting easy by providing the right amount of heat, humidity, and ventilation.

Different growing methods for Wheatgrass Indoors: Soil vs Soilless

Growing in Soil

Add soil to your growing container

One-half to one inch of the potting mixture should be placed in your container. For a tray 10×10 inches, you will need three to four cups. After it is in the tray, you should moisten it well, but not too much. You have overwatered if there is water in the tray.

Add wheat seeds to the soil

Place seeds in an even layer on the soil. To ensure that they retain moisture, you may need to give them a final rinse. It is possible to gently press the seeds into the soil surface, but this is not recommended.

Cover the Container

To fool wheat seeds into thinking they are beneath the soil’s surface, they need darkness. You should cover your container with a cover that provides some airflow but also gives you darkness. Your container should be placed in an area that receives indirect, bright light. To protect, humidify and shade seeds, some people cover them with moistened newspaper.


First, water the seeds two times a day. Just lightly mist the soil with a spray bottle. This is necessary to make sure that the seeds get enough water to help them grow roots. It doesn’t matter what you do, the important thing is not to over water.

Uncover and Wait

When your wheatgrass sprouts reach about one inch in height (in three to five working days), you can expose them and allow them to experience the joy of growing outdoors. The grass will then benefit from direct sunlight.


After your wheatgrass plants reach six inches in height, you can check to see whether the plants have split or produced secondary shoots. After 10 days of growth, most growers believe that their wheatgrass can be harvested.

Growing without Soil

Note that this method applies to coconut coir, vermiculite, or peat moss growing mixes that do not use any soil.

Add medium to your growing container

One-half to one-inch of potting mixture should be placed in your container. For a tray 10×10 inches, you will need three cups of medium. One quart of vermiculite requires water. However, coir must be moist after being hydrated and crumbled to make it grow.

Add wheat seeds to growing medium

Place seeds in an even layer on the medium. To ensure they remain moist and clean, you may need to give them a final rinse. It is possible to press the seeds into the medium by gently pressing them in, but this is not required.

Cover the container

To fool wheat seeds into thinking they are beneath the soil’s surface, they need darkness. You should cover your container with a cover that permits airflow but also provides darkness. Your container should be placed in an area that is brightly lit but at room temperature. To protect, humidify and shade seeds, some people cover them with moistened newspaper.


It can help to add liquid kelp fertilizer when you are growing in a soilless environment. You should water your seeds once a day and lightly mist the soil with a spray bottle. Watering seeds is necessary to ensure they are well watered. This will help establish their roots and provide nutrients. It doesn’t matter what you do, the important thing is to not overwater.

Uncover and Wait

When your wheatgrass sprouts reach about one inch in height (in three to five working days), you can expose them and allow them to experience the joy of growing outdoors. The grass will then benefit from direct sunlight.


After your wheatgrass plants reach six inches in height, you can check to see if they have split or sent out secondary shoots. After ten days of growth, most growers believe that their wheatgrass can be harvested.

Growing Wheatgrass Indoors on a Fiber Mat

Prepare your tray

Your growing mat should be cut to fit snugly inside the tray. The instructions for your particular product will tell you how to moisten the mat. Most often, you will need to soak the mat for a few minutes to fully hydrate it. But make sure that it is not too wet.

Add wheat seeds to the growing surface

Place seeds in an even layer on the mat. To ensure they remain moist and clean, you may need to give them a final rinse.

Cover the container

The seeds must believe that they are under the soil surface and should be covered for three to five days. Another tray can be used or you can place a few sheets of moistened newspaper over the container.


A liquid kelp fertilizer can be useful when growing on a fiber mat. You should water your seeds once a day and lightly mist the soil with a spray bottle. This is to encourage roots to grow into the mat and allow the wheatgrass to establish itself. Fiber mats dry faster than other media, so be aware of moisture levels and adjust your watering frequency and volume accordingly.

Uncover and wait

When your wheatgrass sprouts reach about one inch in height (in three to five working days), you can expose them and allow them to experience the joy of growing outdoors. The grass will then benefit from direct sunlight.


After your wheatgrass plants reach six inches in height, you can check to see whether the plants have split or produced secondary shoots. After 10 days of growth, most growers believe that their wheatgrass can be harvested.

Harvesting Wheatgrass Indoors

Cut the grass to just below the surface of the medium. One ounce of wheatgrass juice will be made from a quarter cup of grass. Although it is possible to store wheatgrass in the refrigerator, it is best to use it fresh. Many wheatgrass indoor growers can get another harvest from their containers if the plants are kept in good condition.

Real Men Sow
Real Men Sow

Hello, I’m Pete and I’m currently based in the west of Scotland, in a small place called Rosneath, where I’m exploring my garden adventures. I personally started gardening around 6 years ago and initially, I started out by growing my favorite fruits and berries, such as strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries. Since then I’ve added a lot of vegetables and working closely with my neighbor, it’s been a lot of fun.