Last Updated on April 11, 2024 by Real Men Sow
My lack of beetroot love left me feeling a little guilty, so to try and make up with one of my favourite allotment crops, I’ve decided to big up the beetroot.
Are only £3.50 per kilo for this chunky veg in the shops, a few more beets would certainly have contributed to increased savings this year, but I don’t think that’s the best thing about growing beetroot.
Easy Way to Grow Beetroots
For me, beetroot’s crop, such as cylindra beetroot, return to the faff ratio is its greatest strength. The seeds are big and easy to handle, so make for simple sowing. And from then, I reckon you could almost leave them.
They require a little watering while at the seedling stage, but then they just seem to grow, whatever the conditions. I don’t thin them either, leaving the stronger beets to push the small ones out the way. I then eat the small ones as sweet little baby beets.
Beets are also really good for us and are thought to reduce blood pressure.
Plant Beetroots for their Taste
Of course, they’re delicious too, although in the past I have often found myself just boiling and pickling for the winter. I have become more adventurous though and enjoyed delights such as Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s beetroot and walnut hummus and beetroot burgers from the Nordic Diet.
Grow and Cook Beetroots
So, this week is going to be Real Men Sow Beetroot Week, and with the help of a cracking website I was put on to by Mary Mayfield on Twitter, I’m going to try a different beetroot recipe every day.
Every so often you stumble across a really great site, and Love Beetroot is just that. There is a history of the veg, more info on its health benefits plus fun beety facts like Warwickshire County Cricket Club winning the county championship while on the Beetroot Diet.
However, the best bit by far is the stunning-looking recipes. There is everything from starters and dips; salads, soups, and sarnies to mains and desserts.
I’ve grabbed myself a few beets to try the beetroot and goat’s cheese tart tomorrow, and I’m also aiming to attempt the beetroot risotto, beetroot pizzas, as well as the incredibly tempting American style beetroot pie.
There are some apples laying around too, which will be perfect for a batch of the beetroot and onion chutney.
Many thanks to Love Beetroot, I can’t wait to try out the recipe ideas. It should be a good week. 🙂