Growing Hemp Agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum)

Last Updated on October 8, 2022 by Real Men Sow

Hemp agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) is a magnet for butterflies. It is a butterfly magnet because of its hemp-like leaves and reddish stems that produce tiny pink flowers in the summer and autumn.

Benefits of Growing Hemp Agrimony

Attracts Pollinators

Hemp agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) flowers attract butterflies, dragonflies and bees, which are all important pollinators. Hemp agrimony flowers are dioecious. This means that the male and female flowers of hemp agrimony grow on different plants. Therefore, this is essential for plant reproduction. When hemp agrimony is cut, its reddish stems emit a pleasant odour.

Hemp agrimony does not need to be frost-tender so it can bloom well into autumn. This is a boon for pollinators who are still active during the time most flowers have faded. This extra energy boost is needed to help them get through winter hibernation or migrate to warmer areas.

Conditions for a Hemp Agrimony to Thrive

Hemp agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) thrives in moist, rich soil and can spread easily via seeds. The plant is easy to grow. This plant will thrive in a location near a stream or pond. This hardy flower is found in nature along streams and river edges. It can also grow in damp woods. The clusters of pink-coloured flowers found in hemp agrimony can be enjoyed by both humans and pollinators. It is perennial and hardy in zones 4-8.

Planting Hemp Agrimony In Ponds

Growing from Seed

You can also grow hemp agrimony from seeds. The seeds of hemp agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) should be sown on the soil surface in spring in a cold frame. Seedlings can then be planted in summer. You can also plant seeds outdoors once the danger of frost is over. Seedlings, however, are frost-resistant.

Growing from a Mature Plant

You can buy hemp agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) as a mature plant. In this case, gardeners can just bury the roots so that their stems are not above the soil surface. If desired, mature hemp agrimony plants may be divided. Simply pull the plants up in spring or fall, and then divide them. Then, replant the soil with enough water. You can plant mature plants in moist soils, as well as in still or slow-moving waters. Although it can tolerate some dry soils, it will not withstand prolonged droughts.

Care Guide

Hemp agrimony can be considered low-maintenance and simple to care for. The hemp agrimony plant thrives in moist, rich soil that has full or partial sun. It can sometimes be found in less moist soils. To prevent spreading, gardeners can divide established plants every few decades.

Winter Care

Hemp agrimony can be grown in cold regions and is therefore winter-hardy in zones 4-8. Hemp agrimony is able to survive winter in these regions without any special treatment. It is a perennial in hemp agrimony’s natural hardiness zones and can be found in gardens for many years.

The plant’s leaves will fall back in winter, and then grow from its living roots in spring. While many people simply chop the hemp agrimony to the ground in the autumn, it’s actually beneficial for local pollinators like butterflies to keep the leaves until spring. Because some species of caterpillars can survive winter in the leaves and seeds, others will not. It may seem tempting to tidy up your garden but you can help wildlife by not doing so.

Is Hemp Agrimony Toxic, Poisonous or Invasive?

Although it isn’t known to be aggressive, it can spread quickly and become an invasive problem in certain areas. It is also known to invade and damage forest habitats. This species should not be planted in a larger area than it needs. You can either divide mature plants or replant them. To prevent spread to other areas, you can also remove seeds quickly.

Be careful when growing them because it can cause damage to local ecosystems, and create dense stands that choke out native vegetation. The plant also contains the chemicals hepatotoxic-pyrrolizidine alkaloids. These chemicals can cause blood to blockage, liver damage and even cancer. Most doctors don’t recommend the use of hemp agrimony medicinally.

Is the Plant and Edible and Will Fish Eat It?

It is difficult to determine whether hemp agrimony can be eaten. It is best not to eat hemp agrimony. Hemp agrimony has not been shown to pose any dangers to pond fish and it is unlikely that it will come in contact with them as an aquatic plant. It is a good idea, however, to remove any plant debris that might have fallen into your pond.

Real Men Sow
Real Men Sow

Hello, I’m Pete and I’m currently based in the west of Scotland, in a small place called Rosneath, where I’m exploring my garden adventures. I personally started gardening around 6 years ago and initially, I started out by growing my favorite fruits and berries, such as strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries. Since then I’ve added a lot of vegetables and working closely with my neighbor, it’s been a lot of fun.