Last week I received an email informing me that Real Men Sow had been nominated for the best allotment and gardening blog category in the 2011 Horticultural Channel Awards.
It is quite difficult to write a post announcing this without sounding smug, but I am chuffed to be nominated. I’ve only been blogging properly for about a year, and I’m enjoying the experience a lot. For me, it’s a great addition to actually being on the plot, and I love to look back at what I was doing earlier in the year.
And of course, knowing that someone is actually reading my waffle is very nice too.
I’m up against some great blogs, including John Harrison’s, which has grown into one of the most visited allotment websites, and full of info and advice. John’s a really nice chap, and I enjoyed featuring him as part of my National Allotment Week celebrations.
Over at Ryan’s Garden, Ryan’s been publishing a photo every day this year, s well as blogging about allotments and chickens.
I’m very flattered to be nominated alongside Dave and Andy Hamilton’s Self Sufficientish website. I’ve been a long time admirer of Self-Sufficientish, its ethos, and history, and was pleased as punch to review Dave’s new book, Grow Your Own Food for Free.
I’ve got to confess to not being familiar with the Guide to Gay Gardening, which is the story of Geoff Wakeling, who runs a landscape design and maintenance company whilst writing and advising on gardening matters. Geoff’s blog is informative and entertaining, and I’m looking forward to following it in the future.
I’ve been a reader of Veg Plotting for a few months now, which talks about growing your own and life in the heart of rural Wiltshire and can thoroughly recommend it too.
I reckon the favourite to win is the Guardian Garden and Allotment blog, which featured a nice piece last week listing 20 reasons to vote for them.
Not that I’m vain or anything, but if you would like to vote for me, you can do it over at the Horticultural Channel’s website. Voting is open until 29 November 2011.
Ta very much.
Oh, and vote for Dave Hamilton and Alys Fowler wherever you can too, ‘cos they’re ace.
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